Tuesday 3 February 2015

Myer Briggs

This is a personality test and I did it years ago when I was in the Public service. Cant remember all the types that I was but I do think that a couple of changed as I have "matured" (I didnt want to say "get older")

Our first week back at school before any kids were back, one of the teachers in our staff room had a copy and I choose to do it again.

There are several questions around 26/28 with most only having two choices, participants need to select which one of those two they would most likely do. Probably only takes about twenty minutes to complete altogether. Marking can also be done by the person taking it and then it depends on where one has most points.

I am a INTJ which means I am an Introvert, hummm cant remember the second one, thinking and judgmental. Some of the words that apparently describe me is Insightful, Conceptual, Critical, Independent, Determined and Pursues Competence and Improvement. Not sure if that IS actually me but that what the questions or my answers determined.

Check it out on-line, just tap in Myer Briggs, you could be surprised.

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