Saturday 14 February 2015

Cyclists Grrrr!

Yesterday I left for work at around the normal time and had to give way to cars at the T junction leading out of our estate. By the time I was able to pull out there were two cars behind me.

Just up the road there was a cyclist on the road, unusual to see as there is a bike path which pretty much follows the road. The cyclist turn his bike as if to go across the road and then he turns his head to see me and two other cars coming his way which puts him into panic mode and the bike wobbles, by this time he and his bike are about half way into the road. Luckily there was no one coming the other way as to avoid an accident I needed to go across double lines and onto the other side. as hie reactions were slow the other cars also had to go out and around him. I know cars are much quieter now than they used to be but three cars and he couldn't hear them!

This cyclist was not a young kid, he looked to be in hi seventies with little regard for his safety or anyone else s. Kids on bikes get a bad rap but its not just kids who are at fault, adults should be more mindful of how they act on roads and use bike paths! Rant over!

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