Wednesday 1 October 2014

A sewing storm

I set myself a task for the holidays to make an item for each day to donate to charity at the end. First day and I completed four, these didn't need much to finish but they did need finishing. A button to sew on, a couple of op over vest that I had knitted but not sewn up. I always seem to want to get on with the next thing hence some are left with just a little to do.

Many of my patterns are old and bits missing so really unusable. I knew that I had some brushed cotton that I had bought to make myself a skirt and jacket,it was a while ago and I really don't wear skirts these days plus the colour and pattern! what was I thinking at the time!

I did a trip to Spotlight last week to buy a pattern for kids pants as that was what it was suitable for and there was heaps of it. Well, my $20 trip to Spotlight ended up costing me around a hundred bt for that I got seven patterns, they were on sale for $5 and as always there was some nice materials. see why I try to avoid going there.

I had been making my one item a day using the dress pattern that  had and then the weekend came and I thought that I had better do some housework, then we had people drop by and some for dinner so no sewing.

I had cut out one of the patterns and yesterday I ended up making three pairs of PJ pants, the silky type with teddy bears on them. I had probably bought the material to do something with it but it hadnt happened. Then I finished a dress, I put fancy stiching around the neckline just for something different and then I attacked the brushed cotton and make three pairs of long pants from that, in sizes 4,6 and 8.

I think I am up to twelve items made so far I will take knitting away and have almost finished another pop over vest. I hate sewing up knitted pieces so I knit it in one piece then only need to sew up two side seams and its done.

I am trying to get my sewing and knitting down to one tub each instead of six, have a ways to go but can see gaps.

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