Saturday 25 October 2014

5 pm and there is movement!

Its been a hot day and since about 10am, the TV has been in use. car racing and a movie and a travel doco was taken in as well as a Nanna nap.

It all changes around 5pm, TV no longer holds our attention and we emerge from the cave (house in this case) and venture outside to soak up the cooler air and give the plants a drink.

The orange tree has many many buds of new little oranges and alongside, two lemons were ready to be picked. Also lots of egg plants and herbs.
Now I just need to decide what on earth am I going to make with them. We had steak sandwiches for lunch so I was planning to have potato rosti for dinner, (no meat). Not sure how to spell that, it is a Jamie Olicer recipe with potato and carrot grated and then baked with poached eggs and peas in a creamy sauce on top. I love his way of cooking although don't use all the oil and chili that he does. I guess I take his recipes and put my own slant on them.

Hummm, think I will go and get two more egg plants (will need a knife to pick them) and add to grated potato (found that we are out of carrots).

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