Monday 29 September 2014

An exciting afternoon

We sat down with our daughter and planned our trip around Australia! (She and I planned we figured that we will just tell hubbies what and when we are doing something).  Its a while off yet but we want t get an idea for how much time we will have to spend at different places. I didn't think we would have enough time to go to Cairns but its in the plan Woo hoo!

I have even worked out a budget that we will/may need.

Watching a DVD of a family who went with two small children and the stuff they took, we each have said we are NOT taking that much stuff. We have already bought a washing machine between us as the washing for six will add up but don't want to take a lot of clothes so washing will need to be fairly regular.

Going on our second little shake down tour in a couple of days, again to see what we need and what we dont use. Ugh going in school holidays as it costs more damn!

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