Tuesday 14 October 2014


After my success with my holiday challenge, I am continuing on, in my four days off from work I have made three pairs of pants and four tops for a three/four year old, using up three pieces from my stash. I have emptied one plastic storage box and I am filling that to take to the Salvos.

I also set a challenge to get the car/house loan under a certain amount by the end of October and that is done now with two pay days to go, maybe I should have made it lower. Will elect a new number for the end of the year.

In my Simple savers forum, many people talk about $21 for a weeks worth of food and I have thought for a long while that its not possible but  have trimmed off my food bill so this month I am trying to shop for only $21 each week. Three shopping days into October and my amounts are $19.40, $20.20 and $20.10 and we haven't starved yet!

I am starting to see a few spaces in the pantry but not much in the freezer as I made a meat loaf on the weekend mainly for my lunches and that filled it again.

Last nights dinner was meatloaf and salad, tonight we are having marinated pork chops with veges including an egg plant from the garden, so we are eating well.

Next month being November will be the big challenge again of a novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days.

Its funny (or maybe its just me) ut I seem to work better of there is a plan in place such as my own challenges.

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