Sunday 12 October 2014

Nicknames are funny things

Its Bathurst day and we had breakfast in front of the TV for the prelim stuff. Warren will probably only move from the TV today to go to the loo.

They are interviewing drivers and talking about past races etc etc. The winner from last year was Mark Winterbottom or Frosty is his nickname, at least its not "Chillybum"

Nicknames dont seem to be used as much now as they were years ago. During the week, year eights were reading a novel and all the boys had nicknames in the story and one of the students asked why did they have other names and I realized that the kids (students) only use their given names, no nicknames.

My dad used nicknames quite a bit, growing up he often called me Agatha or Brigette and I dont know why, I know that I loved Agatha Christie books from quite a young age, maybe from that. It never bothered me so he couldnt have done it to annoy me, maybe he wanted one of those names but Mum won out on my name.

Growing up, dad used to talk with my grandfather and I would often hear "tin shed" mentioned, it puzzled me as we didn't have a tin shed, we had a wooden one and a garage attached to the house. Curiosity got the better of me so one day I took dad to task over our wooden shed rather than tin.

It turned out, he explained after they stopped laughing that they were talking about a state politician  whose name was Steele Hall, people referred to him as Tin Shed. The opposition leader at the time was Don Dunstan and some people referred to him as Donny Dunny.

Dad sold some land to a guy called Woodcock and of course to Dad he became known as Splinter dick. There was some hassles with the sale or money or something and it seemed to take a long time to settle with lots of correspondence back and forth. dad would announce when he spied a letter, "Splinter dick wants something else now!" I think it was inclusions or exclusions to the land sale, I know dad was rather relieved when he finally had a cheque for the property

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