Sunday 19 October 2014

An early morning walk

I haven't been walking for some months, not just for the sake on walking. Too busy, too hot,too tired, I have been known to come up with any and varied excuses over time. Funny thing is that I enjoy it once I am out there, so figure! The complexity of human nature.

Anyway after two dinners out in a row, warren decided that he wanted to go for a walk and asked if I wanted to come. I was quite snuggerly in bed but thought I should go especially when he said that I could choose where we went and for how long. Bonus! Often he wants to go for 5 to 8 kms first up and as I wrote before, I haven't been walking for ages

Although it was 9am before we got going, (I had to have breakfast first) it was very pleasant, the sun was shining not much traffic on the road and not too hot. We did a short trip around back in just over 30 minutes which i thought was a decent time to start. I have great intentions of walking three or four times a week and building up to an hour a day, which is what I was doing 3 or 4 years ago and I was 6 or 7 kilos lighter. Onwards and upwards!

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