Monday 27 October 2014

Sold a bike today

After trying to sell the unregistered bike for awhile, Warren decided to put up both bikes for sale and he would kept which ever bike didnt sell.

He had listed it on Gum tree and had lots of interest and even phone calls and arrangements to come and see but they never turned up. Gum tree ads run for a month.

Last week he put them on a Bike sale web site and still nothing until yesterday. Some-one contacted him and offered a thousand (it was listed at $1450) I said tell him no lower than $1250 and we would make up the difference. (No longer his bike but he was selling it) Arrangement to view was for Friday. last night the phone goes again, some-one else wants to look at it and could come on Saturday. Warren told him that some-one was coming on Friday and it may be sold.

Today while Warren was at tennis, a guy rang him from the same town, he wanted the reg bike, came over and looked at it put down a deposit. We need to get a road worthy done on it.

Warren then had to text the other two guys to tell them that the unreg bike has been withdrawn from sale. I guess they were a bit miffed but he did put up that he wanted to sell one of them.

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