Monday 13 October 2014

Christmas Decorations

Last month I went to Costco and was surprised to see Chrissy decs for sale, the shop wasn't decorated yet but plenty around to buy.

Shops and everything seems to be earlier every year so just wondering when they will be about. I did buy one present while we were away last week, it was a request and I did wonder where on earth I was going to get something to fit the bill and was going to put my trust in Mr Google when we saw it and a plus it was under budget, needless to say we bought it there and then.

This year we are only buying for grandkids and adults dont need anything and it seems just buying for the sake of it. We toyed with the idea of Kris Kringle for adults then went one step further and decided no presents.

Now just need to decide where and when to celebrate Christmas and food to have, I'm pumping for the beach a couple of week ends before, have to see what the rest of the family think.

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