Tuesday 7 October 2014

Kingaroy Kitchen

This is a factory that makes biscuits and is open five days a week and they run tours free three times a day. We arrived just before the second tour of the day and it seemed that it was morning tea for the workers, We were invited to help ourselves to tea or coffee and a biscuit until the tour started n about ten minutes.

The supervisor took us around, we did have to don attractive looking hair nets, we went into the kitchen were the workers were making choc chip biscuits. That was their four batch of biscuits for the day at only 10.30am.

Its run by Endeavour and was set up by a lady in the 80's to employ some of the disadvantaged people in the area, now there are 28 workers and it was great to see that they all had their own work to do. One guy likes to work on his own and he was stamping the mounds of biscuits ready to go into the ovens. He proudly showed us that he has fifteen on each tray.

The trays then went into an upright oven, wheeled in and out, ten minutes and then wheeled into another unit to cool them, from there they are placed in boxes ready for packing.

The kitchen supplies biscuits to major hotel and motel chains, they also have a contract to supply lunches to the mines around the area, that was done in a separate area and they also have another kitchen which wasn't operating just then which is a gluten free kitchen.

We bought a few packets of biscuits on the way out, one pack that they do is six different biscuits and there is six to eight of each in a large pack. We had to wait for one to be prepared for us as they had sold the ones that were on the shelf when we went in. I think that pack was about $8.

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