Sunday 5 October 2014

A missing key

Last month when we went away in the caravan Warren on our first toilet stop handed me a small key on a boot lace, It was the key to the van. He had put a new lock on it. As I was about to walk to the litte girls room, I dropped it into the console in the Jeep, it has a cover on it so couldn't be seen.

A couple of days into our rip he asked me where it was, I hadn't used it, damn damn and blast, I couldnt find it and thn remembered where I had put it, I hung it on the hook inside the van after that and thought no more about it. He used his key that was on his key ring if we needed to lock the van.

Going away last week, Warren asked me if I had found the key, oh no the bloody thing was lost again. Not in the console, not hanging up, not in the glove box or in my handbag. My key ring is already too heavy to add it on there. Nope, its lost either again or still!

Finally he remembered taking my key off the hook and taking it to the showers (didn't want to take his whole set of keys) but he couldnt remember what happened to it after that. I feel sure that he left it there, he decided not to lock the van anyway as I was asleep inside.

His punishment was to go to Bunnings and get two more keys cut, one for me and a spare in the car, mine is back on the hook inside the van. Men! I spent a lot of time looking for that key!

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