Monday 13 October 2014

Blasted mobile phones

Very rarely do I get a phone call on my mobile, not that i am complaining about that and I don't like to be without it, (usually I don't quite know where it exactly is anyway.)

This morning I went to get my hair cut and then across to the libary, I could have walked but 800m carrying heavy books doesn't do my shoulders any good so I drove. As I am driving and the radio is on, there seemed to be two songs playing, thought to self "Some-one has stuffed up". I like to listen to a local station thats a further up the coast and I think it is a community station. As we both worked on community radio, its easier to tell now when there is or has been a stuff up. I parked and turned off the car, music still playing oh, sh.....its my phone! Now to find it in my bag, I now have a handbag insert with lots of pockets, brilliant except when one doesn't know which pocket the phone is in. Got it just as the music stopped.

It was a message from Telstra telling me that if I use 10 minutes of text time in the next week, i can get 150 minutes free, yep like I need that! Seeing I send about one text every month and my phone is paid up for the year, well $70 worth for up to a year, doubt if I will use that.

Got my next fix of books and did the groceries for the week, finally on the way home and blow me down my phone rings again, at least this time I did know what it was but I was driving and figured tat it was probably another deal. As i arrived home, Warren is out the front with a back pack on, he is heading to the bus stop to end up at a hospital, he had tried to ring me to say he was going. A friend had been admitted on the weekend so he was going visiting.

Mobile phones are good and handy and Murphy's law says that they will ring when doing something else. Very hefty fine if phone is picked up while driving but it is a big temptation to do it.

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