Thursday 16 March 2017

Maleny Dairies

They are not far from here and we have visited a couple of times. It is a beautiful part of the country with green (usually) rolling hills and the contrast of the black and white cows on those hills, eating grass chewing their cuds and generally just making milk.

It is a working farm and they offer walk about tours as well as selling their produce, milk yogurts cream and custards.

When we have been there, I have stocked up as the quality is brilliant. The tours includes a taste test! very good marketing.

I am not a lover of custard maybe having it too much as a kid as we milked our own cows but I do like Maleny custards. Imagine my delight when I saw some for sale at our local shops the other day and I just had to buy some.

 Over fresh fruit it is just the best dessert ever. It states that it is gluten free as well, bonus! I didn't realise that gluten was used in custards but i guess because it is a thickener then yes, it does make sense. Just goes to show that labels need to be read to see what is in products we buy.

1 comment:

  1. HI Vicki, love your blog! Thanks for taking the time to review our tours and it's great to hear you like our custard :) Hopefully we will see you again soon! All the best, Emily (Marketing Manager, Maleny Dairies)
