Friday 17 March 2017

My new teckie toy

I dont usually buy tech stuff (I leave that up to Warren) but with my Play/sanity money last fortnight I bought a new toy.

We have a GPS, one for each car and they work reasonably well although I find that one needs an exact address for them to point the car in the right direction. It is rare that I use it, if I do and Warren isn't travelling with me, I tend to ask him to put in the address and then I take it from there.

Lucy does not do navigation! She is more interested in putting her nose out the window as much as possible and sniffing all the new smells.

Going to new areas for walks (and Geo caches) I had thought about buying a stand for my phone and using that as a GPS. It helps that I was with a friend/fellow geo cacher who was using that.

Just picked up our sanity and grocery money from the bank and walking past a phone accessories shop, without putting too much thought into it, I walked in and asked about one. Of course sure they had several and yes, they would fit my phone.  Handed over $40 and it was mine.
Warren fitted it and I used it this morning, pleasant voice to tell me where to go, about seven kilometres from home as the crow flies. Unfortunately the road was blocked and I couldn't get to where I wanted to go but it worked and I can see and hear it quite well.

I was happy with it so decided to buy one for a gift and we were at the same shopping centre but up the other end where I saw a similar shop so went in and the same thing was $25! Should have gone there for mine as well! 

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