Thursday 23 March 2017

A Yeti in town

Warren came back from the showers yesterday and over breakfast was telling me that there must be a Yeti in residence.

"Do tell more' I requested.

He said that he went to have a shower and one of the booths had heaps of powder on the floor. Not only on the floor but leading out the door. He said that it must have been quite a big man as there were footprints where he has stood in the powder and then taken it across the floor of the shower and in the basin area.

Warren said that his first thought was a Yeti!

Some caravan parks ask people not to use powder, don't know if it works or not, not sure how it would be policed. When we first went to Singapore several years ago, there was a crack down on people not flushing toilets after use. Every public toilet that I went in, had a sign at the back near the cistern, stating that it needed to be flushed each time regardless of deposit (yes, that was their words!) if not flushed there was a $100 fine. I used to wonder if some-one was outside or even inside to check that it was flushed.

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