Wednesday 22 March 2017

Dicky's Beach

We are here for a couple of days checking out if we have everything that we need in Maggie Two for a month away. This is the first chance we have had to trail her and as we sold the other Maggie thinking that we were done with caravanning, most things either went with her or out as they were a double up.

There is a good Reject shop here that we found before and yes, we hightailed it down there after the first morning. It has been wet and we dont/didnt have any mats to wipe our feet on before entering the van. A knobbley bath mat for $12 solved that problem. We also have no where to put keys so some hooks were bought, Warren had put one up for a teatowel but he didnt have any more.

Went for a walk in the afternoon and discovered why the place is called Dicky's beach, there was a ship wreck out in the sea and it used to be sighted but i think its pretty much all gone now, We read the sign on a walk to the beach.

We stopped to watch this ibis, Warren had been telling me that they use their beaks to get crabs in the sand. Apparently they dive their beak down, the crab grabs on to it and then the Ibis pulls it up and of course devours it.
We were on a concrete walk and stopped on a little bridge to watch the bird and the sea.
Love these trees.

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