Tuesday 28 March 2017

House sitters

Its great having house sitters to look after the house and Lucy while we are away for the next month. The drawback is that I have felt that I need to do a complete spring clean of the house!

Each cupboard drawer and space in the house has been cleaned tidied and some stuff disposed of, either to the bin or to Op shops around the area. We still have too much stuff/junk etc.

As I make most of Lucy's food and I want that to continue, I have been cooking up a storm to have enough for the time we will be away.
So the bottom two drawers of the freezer are full of Lucy's food.
I have written on the top how many serves/meals are in each. She gets pellets in the mornings for her breakfast and then fresh meat and vege at night. 

That's all done now to tidy my sewing room! (and finish packing Maggie Two)

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