Monday 20 March 2017


We have stumbled across this TV show some time ago and we both enjoy it. Why? I have no idea! We were talking about it last night and the reasons why we like it and really cant come up with anything. maybe its because its fun and entertaining and there is no spitefulness.

What the program is, is a type of game show featuring I think a pop group from Japan called Arashi. They are five boys/young men and they undertake games against other teams. They always have a guest to make up a team of six and they are against a team of six. Often the opposing team are actors in a series or similar.

The conversation is in Japanese and so there are sub titles and there is the occasional word spoken in English. The games are set for the six of them or sometimes two or three. There is a rock wall which is only for two, one climber at a time and between them they have two minutes to climb a wall and touch as many buttons on the wall as they can. The other members of the team are there for encouragement and to swing pins to them to put into the wall to assist with the climb.

Kicking Sniper is one that they often finish on, three are lined up to kick an oversized ball at large drums that have been built in different shapes.

Coin Tower is a game where they all take part and on a moving circle, they take turns to add large "coins"  in a single row, three at a time, sometimes they need to climb quite high to add the coins, they go until it falls over. The coins are different sizes and are worth points depending on the size, they gain points for their team until it falls.

We used to just find the show every now and then but now we know that it is on Sunday nights on SBS so we have it "booked" each week to watch. It is actually called Vs  Arashi.

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