Saturday 25 March 2017


What a job. After I wrote my novel in November and got to the required 50000 words, I stopped and left it for three months. Bit over it by then and jt was good to have a break plus iI needed to think about my ending. I felt that it was not finished and I wasnt sure if I wanted to do a quick finished or write quite a lot more.

March was the month that I figured would be my editting month, after all I had written a chapter a day for all of November so editting it one chapter per day should be a breeze.

Hah! Sometimes I felt like I needed to expand on something and did so only yo find that the sentence or so, I did already have the info that I felt needed to be there, maybe I should read it in full before making any changes.

The editting did come easier and some days I did nothing others I did four or five chapters. However, editting is now done and it is time to write the ending.

Trouble is I have two or three ideas in how to finish and each are quite different. I guess I need to fire up the laptop and just see where it takes me. I have found at times writing something that I hadnt intended until it appears on the screen. Interesting for sure.

My total increasd from 50049 words to 50485 after the edit, I hope to get it ready for publication by mid May, which means that I need to get cracking as a lot is happening otherwise in those six weeks .

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