Friday 10 March 2017

Doc Martin

We chanced upon this series awhile ago and watched a few episodes. Its funny in a bizarre way. The trouble was it was hit and miss with what was shown on TV. One day it was as if he had just arrived and the next episode he had a baby. We realised that it was being shown on two different channels so we decided to have a look online and buy the series provided it wasnt too expensive.

Warren was successful in locating the whole lot, I think seven seasons for less than $20, wow! As each season had between five and seven episodes, it makes it very reasonable.

we have had them for awhile and would watch one when we deemed therte was nothing worth watching on TV. However we have got sucked into the story and the last week we have watched one while we were sitting down to lunch. Today there was a wedding and of course anything that could do wrong did. People were coming to the see the Dr to wish him all the best for the afternoon. The Vicar arrived as he did not have the hymn list, of course the Doc couldnt have cared less about hymns and noticed the vicar was trembling, hence an examination which ended up in the vicar being carted off the hospital. The place were the reception was going to be held have plumbing issues and ended up moving the food into a marque by the church. As the father and son moved from the marque to the church, I was expecting dogs to run in and eat it, the tent/marque fell in, which Warren had predicted.

The doc managed to get another vicar who had sworn off doing weddings, first though he had to pay. The payment was to administer to the new vicar pig, he told him that he wasnt a vet but the vicar insisted. Then his drycleaned suit was mixed up, oh boy it was a comedy of errors.

At the end of it, it was although the last on that disc and Warren changed them over and started the next one. Saying to me "We cant leave it like that, we need to see what happens, dont you want to?" Of course i did and I settled down to start another scarf.

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