Wednesday 6 April 2016

Red Dog

After the mammoth driving day yesterday we all slept in until it was too hot to sleep any more. After breakfast I washed while Warren did some more work on our lights.

Then we went to Dampier to see Red Dog. A famous dog here in the area, I had first picked up the book in China, not knowing anything about it but the cover of the book looked like the Australian Outback. It was bonus to find that it was a book about a dog in Australia and a true story.

As it was still very hot we headed to the mall for an iced coffee.
We spent quite a bit of time in the pool at the caravan park, very nice pool. We had finished swimming but Aidan very kindly went back and took a photo for me.

Any locals that we talk with, say that it is unusually hot for this time of the year. I done care, just wish it would cool down a little 39 and 40's are not in my comfort zone.

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