Tuesday 12 April 2016

Dinasoar tracks

An early start to see the tracks. They are only available to see when it is low tide so it was today or not for ages. There were a heap of people there, the main language I hear was German. When we went on the whale shark swim, we were the only Aussies as well.

These prints are a cast of the real ones that are over the cliff face, it is walk able but I dont do rocks and climbing very well so i opted to stay up top.

The scenery from the top.

Last but not least the portable air conditioner unit that we bought yesterday. We have re positioned it on top of the fridge, out of the way, the outlet pipe goes out the window and we got a good night's sleep (except when we woke up cold and had to turn it off for awhile. Due to get to 39 today, currently 31 (at 9am) feels like 35 degrees but is a nice 22 degrees inside the van. 

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