Sunday 17 April 2016

A Sunday in Broome

Sheridan and I went to the markets this morning, markets take place each Saturday and Sunday morning until 1 pm. It was nice and shady, not a lot of stalls mainly pearls, art and clothes. I did like a few pieces, the pearls single ones or bracelets were reasonably priced but I dont wear what I own now so I didnt buy any more.
Home by ten to find that Warren had done the washing and all the housework, helped to hang the clothes and then we settled down to watch the new Star Wars movie. He had bought the DVD yesterday. We had
lunch while watching the Federation Cup (tennis) then a dip in the pool. Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea. There is only about fourteen vans, a couple of motor homes and some in cabins. It would be very crowded come May, June and July.

After our swim, football was on, I thought it might be Collingwood, silly me, we are in Western Australia so it was the Dockers and North Melbourne and the Dockers (Fremantle) lost again and so did Collingwood.
Cold sausages was on the menu for dinner so we went and got a pizza and took it to Town Beach to see the sunset.
The sausages will have to wait until tomorrow.  

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