Thursday, 21 April 2016


Derby is a small town of approx 5000 people in residence but there did seem to be everything there that you need. Couple of banks which is more than some towns of its size have, an IGA and  a woolies supermarket. Couple of hardware stores and a camping fishing sports store. We didnt spend much time in Derby as we wanted to move on while it was cooler. Derby is reportedly the hottest place in Australia and has the highest tides. We thought the weather was pretty nice, 35 degrees yesterday and very pleasant this morning when we got up and left.

Derby has a Boab tree that was used as a prison or holding pen.
While it doesnt look much in the photo, it is approx 14 metres in girth and over a thousand years old.. It is sacred to the aboriginals, therefore it has been fenced off so people cant get too close. How awful to be have been kept in there for possibly days on end.
These are my favourite trees, the ghost gums, and were nearby.
This tree was also nearby and it is a Coolimon tree and these were the types of trees where the Aboriginals used to cut out the bowls that they used. This is only a small tree so it is intact.
As we entered the park of the prison tree, we saw these, goanna tracks. I wondered if it was a snake but Warren says no, def a goanna as he could see the paw prints either side of the tails swishes.
Then we saw a goanna , probably not the same one as our campsite was a couple of hundred kilometres from where we saw the tracks. I didnt want to get too close to him as they have been known to run up a person's body, thinking that they are a tree. I did not want to be mistaken for a tree.
Another boab tree being used as a shady parking spot on the way to Fitzroy Crossing, the tables and chairs are full size, able to seat six to eight people.

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