Sunday, 10 April 2016

Lost Glasses

A few years ago I opted to get glasses full time after wearing glasses for reading for awhile. I think I have worn glasses now for since 2007. I have only had two sets  in that time, the first pair I had after three years the wing on one side broke. Then I went to Spec Savers and did get two pairs for a little more than the price for one. I  couldn't find my second pair before we came away and thought that in the five or six years of wearing my current pair I have not needed them so didnt worry too much about finding them.

My glasses are granulated so the bottom is for reading the middle for computer work and the top is clear as I dont need them for long distance, they are also transitional so I dont need sunnies.

Leaving Perth just before Easter and in a bit of a rush, it was also the morning that J & S were leaving to fly home, I couldnt find my glasses. Change in routine due to circumstances. Ended up drove out without me wearing them. I did not realise how much I relied on them. I couldnt read the map, street signs were okay but couldnt read the GPS either.

I knew they were on the side of my bed when I got up and then I moved them but where I didnt remember. usually I dont wear my glasses to shower in the mornings (that can be a challenge when one needs to use a code to get in the door!). Tried to recall that morning, did I wear them to the shower and then leave them on the bench as I am not used to doing that? Could I get a new pair made seeing the we were heading north and Easter was looming?

A quick fix option was to find a chemist and buy a pair of reading glasses so when we needed fuel, we went into a town and found a chemist. Haaaa! I could read again. We were booked for only one night and we systematically took the caravan apart. Warren found them yay, under the mattress!!!!!.

I can only think that I put them on the bed and then with travel worked their way up the bed.

Now I make a point of remembering where I put them down if I am not wearing them.

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