Sunday 24 April 2016

Tunnel Creek

Tunnel Creek is 115 kms from Fitzroy Crossing. It is a unpaved road to get there and apparently need to squeeze through rocks to get into the creek and then walk through water which could be thigh high using torches in a cave. Just my kind of thing but unfortunately I needed to stay back with Aidan so the others could go. Thanks Aidan!  (just a touch of sarcasm here) Def not my idea of fun at all and I had no intention of going.

Aidan and I had a great day at home in the cool. He played mine craft for a lot of the time and I used the twin tub and did the washing then washed the cow sh.... off Maggie so it was a productive day.

The others left in the jeep early morning and didnt return until late afternoon. There were some creek crossing that the jeep handled well and the water in the cave was only about knee high, there were some crocs sighted.
   Warren and Jordan near the entrance to the creek.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Fitzroy Crossing

This was a resort, motel restaurant and caravan park was attached down the was pick our own spot a large circle around the toilet block that was up on a hill. As the camp ground was near the river. the buildings were built on high ground so they would survive when a big wet comes.

When the weather cooled the kangaroos came out to feed, shots were taken about 3.30 in the afternoon, there were about twenty of them.
Warren and I went to the toilet around half midnight and on the hill leading to the loos were probably a hundred, all quite small. 

Friday 22 April 2016

Gotta to chuckle

We are staying across the river at Fitzroy Crossing and from the township to get here, there are two small one lane bridges. Not a problem, they are well sign posted quite a way back to advise drivers of the bridge coming up and that they may need to give way. No dramas. We haven't needed to give way as yet as the road is pretty quiet and there has been nothing coming the other way when we have needed to cross.

What makes me chuckle though is the sign that is quite close to the bridge that states "No overtaking or passing on the Bridge" Believe me, there is definitely no room to do either! I am glad that it is not me driving over it although i know there is enough room but only just for one vehicle. Maybe its a warning to cyclists!

Thursday 21 April 2016


Derby is a small town of approx 5000 people in residence but there did seem to be everything there that you need. Couple of banks which is more than some towns of its size have, an IGA and  a woolies supermarket. Couple of hardware stores and a camping fishing sports store. We didnt spend much time in Derby as we wanted to move on while it was cooler. Derby is reportedly the hottest place in Australia and has the highest tides. We thought the weather was pretty nice, 35 degrees yesterday and very pleasant this morning when we got up and left.

Derby has a Boab tree that was used as a prison or holding pen.
While it doesnt look much in the photo, it is approx 14 metres in girth and over a thousand years old.. It is sacred to the aboriginals, therefore it has been fenced off so people cant get too close. How awful to be have been kept in there for possibly days on end.
These are my favourite trees, the ghost gums, and were nearby.
This tree was also nearby and it is a Coolimon tree and these were the types of trees where the Aboriginals used to cut out the bowls that they used. This is only a small tree so it is intact.
As we entered the park of the prison tree, we saw these, goanna tracks. I wondered if it was a snake but Warren says no, def a goanna as he could see the paw prints either side of the tails swishes.
Then we saw a goanna , probably not the same one as our campsite was a couple of hundred kilometres from where we saw the tracks. I didnt want to get too close to him as they have been known to run up a person's body, thinking that they are a tree. I did not want to be mistaken for a tree.
Another boab tree being used as a shady parking spot on the way to Fitzroy Crossing, the tables and chairs are full size, able to seat six to eight people.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Broome to Derby

This morning we left Broome and made our way to Derby, the weather was cooler and we travelled in 33/34 degree heat. Apparently it rained soon after we left Broome and although it came over cloudy and we heard a few rumbles there was no rain.

Around the hundred kilometre mark Warren remarked that it would be nice to have  a break but the sides of the roads were a bit too steep to pull over, not five minutes later, I saw a blue sign and yep it was a park and what a great park it was.
Plenty of tables and seats, heaps of parking another caravan had pulled in before us and there had already been one car there and no flies!
Chemical toilets off to the side, it is a 24 hour camp with a dump point. No paper in the toilets but I always carry tissues in my hand bag and we do have toilet paper in the caravan.
It is the half way mark between Broome and Derby.
Lots of small termite hills in the paddocks, seeing a few cattle along the way and early a small kangaroo dived across the road in front of us. He looked as though he should have still been in the pouch and he seemed to be running not jumping.


Tuesday 19 April 2016

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Warren and I went and saw this movie last week in the oldest outdoor picture theatre in the southern hemisphere. How cool is that?

It is called Sun pictures and was built around 1913, I know I read it but cant remember the exact year.

This was a photo that I took in day light as the movie only operate after dark. There are two each night, one at 6.15 pm and the other starts at 8.30 pm.

The entrance is just to the left in the photo and its like going into a big shed. There is a box office and one girl operating that, its all cash so if one has no cash an ATM is a short walk from there.

There is also a drinks and lollies bar, didnt see popcorn but then wasn't looking for it.

The seating is all deck chairs, the kind that are in pictures of English seasides and its a skill to get out of them afterwards.

There were a few ads for businesses around Broome and then the movie started. It wasnt the best movie that I have seen, preferred the first one but there were elements that were funny and some tragic. 

The first eight rows are under the stars, we could see the moon above the screen and the last eight are under cover, I think about 280 seats altogether.  

Monday 18 April 2016


I usually get my hair cut every six to eight weeks as it annoys after that, the sides gets boffy and I feel that I need it cut. I did delay getting it cut for seven weeks and made an appointment just before leaving on our trip as then I wasn't going to have to worry about it for a few weeks at least.

However, all plans can go belly up and the lady who has been cutting my hair for the last year, had an accident and couldn't put her foot to the ground. As she works on her own from home, it meant that I couldn't have my hair cut as scheduled.

Seven weeks grew to ten weeks and when we were in Mt Gambier, Warren and I did a walk in to a hairdresser, we had to wait for a spot so we had coffee while we waited. His was done first and he paid the bill before going book shopping. Warren asked me after how much did I usually pay to which I replied $20, he had paid $75 for both, $25 for his and $50 for mine.

Next haircut was in Perth and that was $40 for mine and $27 for Warren's, this time not at the same place, he went to a barber.

As we have been at the pool each day and longer hair is annoying after swimming, I arranged to get a hair cut this morning. Allowed more time to get there than I needed so we were thirty minutes early but the guy didnt have any other customers so he did it then. He is/was a Kiwi, although he has been in Broome for thirty years, says that it still wasn't long enough to be classed as a local. Nice cut and pretty quick and $55!

Sunday 17 April 2016

A Sunday in Broome

Sheridan and I went to the markets this morning, markets take place each Saturday and Sunday morning until 1 pm. It was nice and shady, not a lot of stalls mainly pearls, art and clothes. I did like a few pieces, the pearls single ones or bracelets were reasonably priced but I dont wear what I own now so I didnt buy any more.
Home by ten to find that Warren had done the washing and all the housework, helped to hang the clothes and then we settled down to watch the new Star Wars movie. He had bought the DVD yesterday. We had
lunch while watching the Federation Cup (tennis) then a dip in the pool. Unfortunately everyone else had the same idea. There is only about fourteen vans, a couple of motor homes and some in cabins. It would be very crowded come May, June and July.

After our swim, football was on, I thought it might be Collingwood, silly me, we are in Western Australia so it was the Dockers and North Melbourne and the Dockers (Fremantle) lost again and so did Collingwood.
Cold sausages was on the menu for dinner so we went and got a pizza and took it to Town Beach to see the sunset.
The sausages will have to wait until tomorrow.  

Saturday 16 April 2016


What an interesting place this is! I went gallery shopping this morning before it got too hot, ha, thats a laugh!
Visited a pearl place and we did say to the women when we went in that we were only looking as I have more than enough pearls from living in China. I did note that the nicest pearl that I have, (Warren chose it)  is a single pearl with a silver mount on a leather strap, was around about the same price here as he paid in China, just the numbers. XXX yuen as opposed to $XXX here in Broome. here at this gallery they have a resident jeweller who can set the pearls however wanted but there was a heap of choice, all white (Australian) with some black pearls which come from Tahaite.
These are some shots that i took this morning in downtown shopping centre, Chinatown. A lot of wood painted red, nice large trees for shade. Heaps of cafes.
This was my first trip to Chinatown, I have been going to the other shopping centre which has Target and Woolies.
The caravan park where we are based in about six kilometres out of town and both centres are about the same distances away depending on which roads taken. The GPS takes us one way in and another way out, it is a strange way to arrive in town as it is not direct and seeming at times turning away but that the way the roads go.
We also visited the Sandalwood place here, this is connected to the Sandalwood factory that we saw in Albany. No factory here just a store but much of the sandalwood is produced here in the Kimberly.

Friday 15 April 2016

Cable Beach

The caravan park that we are staying in is just beyond Cable Beach and as yesterday was a better day as far as heat and humidity went, Warren and I went for a walk to see it.

I wondered why it got a name like Cable Beach and there is a simple explanation, it was the beach where the first cable was laid to connect Australia to the rest of the world, simple once one knows why.

It was a concrete path for approx 200 hundred metres then a wooden bridge, as we crossed the bridge, I noticed this on Warren's shirt.
It must have dropped out of the bushes some where and didnt want to get off, he was a bit hard to dislodge but we finally persuaded him that he would be better off in the vegetation.
To the right is the continuation of the path, sand!
Cable Beach nearing sunset. There were quite a few people on the beach which was surprising as a two metre croc had been sighted near the beach in the water, the day before. I guess people either dont listen or think that its fine. As you can see we did not venture close to the water.
While it wasnt far, we both had a sweat up when we got back, had to buy an ice cream to compensate!

There is a lack of flies and mossies here, which is a real bonus!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Sea planes at Broome

 At low tides, these wrecks can be seen off one of the beaches. I opted not to go and neither did Aidan, he slept while I did some much needed housework in the cool of the morning.
They left at 6 am to drive to the beach and then a slog thru mud flats. However they did take photos to show me.

Wednesday 13 April 2016


I had been hanging out to have an omelette and tonight was the night. Had a salad to go with it and some bacon pieces to put with the omelette, an quick easy and filling dinner.

I cooked the bacon and got out the eggs and broke one into a bowl, yuk, it looked awful, definately not the right consistency for an egg. It didn't smell but I wasn't going to chance it. i thought i t was a full pack of six but only four were left and they all went in the bin.

As everything else was in the freezer and therefore frozen solid, it was baked beans or take away. There is a cafe next to the caravan park and we walked there and ordered a seafood basket, just one and shared it.

I still want an omelette but I dont think I will buy eggs, then travel hundreds of kilometres before using them, omelettes and pancakes are on the menu for the weekend.

Camels at Sunset

Broome being famous for the camels rides, Chris took the boys for a trip.
This one apparently liked Aidans foot as he kept coming close to him.

I asked Aidan to take photos and he took a few and managed to get camels and a pic of each of them.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Dinasoar tracks

An early start to see the tracks. They are only available to see when it is low tide so it was today or not for ages. There were a heap of people there, the main language I hear was German. When we went on the whale shark swim, we were the only Aussies as well.

These prints are a cast of the real ones that are over the cliff face, it is walk able but I dont do rocks and climbing very well so i opted to stay up top.

The scenery from the top.

Last but not least the portable air conditioner unit that we bought yesterday. We have re positioned it on top of the fridge, out of the way, the outlet pipe goes out the window and we got a good night's sleep (except when we woke up cold and had to turn it off for awhile. Due to get to 39 today, currently 31 (at 9am) feels like 35 degrees but is a nice 22 degrees inside the van. 

Monday 11 April 2016

Hot hot hot!

I promised myself that I wasnt going to whinge about the weather (heat) any more so this is the last. Apparently there is an extreme heat wave going through the region (really! I blame the heat for making my sarcastic). There seems to be no let up until next week then 34 to 35 so we are going to stay here at Broome, try to stay cool and wait out the heat wave.

At least the park is good, not far from town and the pool is big.

We bought a misty fan on Saturday as they had run out of portable air cons (after Sheri and Chris bought the last one, we figured the boys needed it more than us). There is a retravision store in town and we will go there this morning to see if they have one.

It was better to sleep last night or maybe we are getting used to it, haha.

We can go next door and sit in the a/c at times (at S&C's) but seven in Dennis is crowded. Fingers crossed that there is one available.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Lost Glasses

A few years ago I opted to get glasses full time after wearing glasses for reading for awhile. I think I have worn glasses now for since 2007. I have only had two sets  in that time, the first pair I had after three years the wing on one side broke. Then I went to Spec Savers and did get two pairs for a little more than the price for one. I  couldn't find my second pair before we came away and thought that in the five or six years of wearing my current pair I have not needed them so didnt worry too much about finding them.

My glasses are granulated so the bottom is for reading the middle for computer work and the top is clear as I dont need them for long distance, they are also transitional so I dont need sunnies.

Leaving Perth just before Easter and in a bit of a rush, it was also the morning that J & S were leaving to fly home, I couldnt find my glasses. Change in routine due to circumstances. Ended up drove out without me wearing them. I did not realise how much I relied on them. I couldnt read the map, street signs were okay but couldnt read the GPS either.

I knew they were on the side of my bed when I got up and then I moved them but where I didnt remember. usually I dont wear my glasses to shower in the mornings (that can be a challenge when one needs to use a code to get in the door!). Tried to recall that morning, did I wear them to the shower and then leave them on the bench as I am not used to doing that? Could I get a new pair made seeing the we were heading north and Easter was looming?

A quick fix option was to find a chemist and buy a pair of reading glasses so when we needed fuel, we went into a town and found a chemist. Haaaa! I could read again. We were booked for only one night and we systematically took the caravan apart. Warren found them yay, under the mattress!!!!!.

I can only think that I put them on the bed and then with travel worked their way up the bed.

Now I make a point of remembering where I put them down if I am not wearing them.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Spoilt for choice

Tonight we went across the road from the caravan park to the tavern for a meal. It was a BIG meal, neither of us could finish it or though we did eat more of it than we thought we would.

It was an interesting concept, with a beach bar one end, a bottle shop with drive thru in th middle and a bistro on the other end. We went past the beach bar to the bistro but that was packed as Rugby was playing on the TV. Back to the beach bar where we found they were screening the AFL.

We ordered drinks and a meal and sat down to enjoy the game, not just one game but two oh, and a game of soccer on another TV.

This weekend was the derby, the two Western Australian teams playing each other in Perth, this was played on the biggest screen and Gold Coast verus Carlton on the second one, one game was in front in time too so when it was half or quarter time the other game was still playing.

It was funny as there were audible gasps or sighs when some one did something amazing or missed. As we watched a game this afternoon as well, we have definitely had our footy fix today and then there will probably be another game tomorrow, yippee.

Pardoo Roadhouse

It was our destination after Karratha about 366 kms, we needed to fuel up and the caravan parl sounded good.

Pool, grassed sites, what more could one want?

The roadhouse was a bit dingy  had to give over either drivers license or credit card before the fuel browser was opened, I suspect they had had a few drive offs. After booking in we were met by an older bloke with no shirt on driving/riding a ride on mower without the blades.

Yes, the sites were grassed but they should have been mowed a week before, they grass was about 4 inches or 20 cms high. There was shade though.

We went to the pool and while the water was cloudy, it was wet and reasonably refreshing until i put my hand on the steps to get out and felt slime and moss, I was out of there quick smart.

The toilets and showers were one unit but we all decided that we were not going to have a shower there.

Cost wise, not too bad for us $30 but $70 for the kids, two adults, two 15 year old students and one eight year old.

We left for Broome at 7.30 am.

The sunset was nice.
Our site.
Between Karratha and Broome there are two places on the highway to stay, this one and another roadhouse about 160 kms further on.  


Karratha was the biggest town/city since leaving Perth. It had street lights and many familiar take away stores, not that we went there but good to see. Whoops. I fibbed I forgot that we did buy between us a KFC bucket, did pretty well to feed seven of us for $49, shades of China and buying a bucket. I wasnt aware of buckets being available here.

We stayed two nights as it was going to be a long haul to Broome.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Red Dog

After the mammoth driving day yesterday we all slept in until it was too hot to sleep any more. After breakfast I washed while Warren did some more work on our lights.

Then we went to Dampier to see Red Dog. A famous dog here in the area, I had first picked up the book in China, not knowing anything about it but the cover of the book looked like the Australian Outback. It was bonus to find that it was a book about a dog in Australia and a true story.

As it was still very hot we headed to the mall for an iced coffee.
We spent quite a bit of time in the pool at the caravan park, very nice pool. We had finished swimming but Aidan very kindly went back and took a photo for me.

Any locals that we talk with, say that it is unusually hot for this time of the year. I done care, just wish it would cool down a little 39 and 40's are not in my comfort zone.

Exmouth to Karratha

That was a long day of travel and hot. We were ready to go by 8.45 am, the last thing to do was check the lights. Brake lights on one side didnt want to work, forty five minutes of Warren checking and pulling lights switches etc apart and we got away with all lights working.

First stop was just a wayside stop but nicely done although we have done without the flies.
There was a bit of shade, a burger bus and chemical toilets, next stop was a roadhouse a further seventy k on and as we needed fuel to make in the Karratha, we decided to stop and eat there, hopefully in A/C, as the temperature was climbing.
Some road works was the most exciting thing to happen but there was a 80 k sign for approz twenty kilometres with no work or guys around.
We followed the water truck for a few ks.
The temp did touch on 44 degrees but there was no where to stop even the next roadhouse did not have any shade. Drivers and passengers had a quick walk around, an icy pole and then drove the last hundred ks in Karratha arriving around five thirty.


Clothes storage in the van

This has been a hassle on the trip, yep, I know first world problem! I started off with shirts hanging up on hangers, after Warren had put some foam along the rail. Yep, that worked, the hangers stayed on but my shirts fell off as they are not button up shirts.

I only have one drawer and thats for underwear, thats no drama. I tried piles of clothes, shirts one side and pants the other, a day or two travelling and that didnt seem to work.

Then I bought some stuff and the goods were put into carry bags, the stronger paper carry bags, I used two, one for pants and the other for shirts. I had to pull them out each time to look in there and so they started rip but did last for quite awhile. I disposed for them and clothes were a jumble again. I did start off with seven sets of clothes plus what I was wearing, I have bought a few things along the way, mainly shirts ( I ditched a couple of things too).

I had a brainwave the other day, Warren did offer to put shelves in but cant really do that when travelling. I wanted to buy some baskets then the thing was to find them.

Carnarvon had a Mitre ten and a Homeware store cant remember which one I went to but they had what I wanted. Yay! maybe problem solved.
I thought that they would go alongside each other in the wardrobe but it is smaller than I thought so they stack and I roll each item and so far so good. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Swimming with Whale sharks

Only twenty swimmers are allowed with ten and a guide at one time.It was awesome! Here are some snaps that I took.
Warren and everyone else getting ready to go, there was a fair bit of instruction beforehand and we snorkeled over some coral ans saw some amazing fish very brightly coloured.

This was one group getting into the water

there is the shark about five meters long. We couldn't go closer then three metres from the side not in front of him it is a he and not closer than four metres at his back.
When I first saw him he seemed to coming straight at me and I knew I had to put distance between as I thought I was too close.

Warren having a doze he had done a lot of swimming as the last one was very slow and we were in the water for a long time.

The boys getting ready to go home.

Carnarvon to Exmouth

What a long and boring road although it was a good road just very little to see.

Miles and miles of bugger all or MAMBA

Then we came across these, lots of them and I said to Warren, I guess I should get my camera out, of corse as soon as I did, they disappeared but after a few kilometres we saw them again.
I took the photo of Maggie after the termite shot, no cars had gone past nor was there any about to appear.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Space Museum Carnarvon

I must have forgotten or not known that Carnarvon was also involved with the moon walk.
It was very technical with lots of cabinets which was part of the computer system at the time. 
Quite a few short movies about the lead up to the moon walk.
Best part was we got to go into a simulator. It was a effort getting in and out as we had to climb in and then lay down with our legs in the air looking like  a dead beetle. 
This was what was in front of us and the count down, it did shudder a bit when it "took off", the whole thing took seven minutes inside the capsule, it was different.

One Mile Jetty Carnarvon

We drove out there one day but decided it was too hot to walk it so yesterday was the day we did it. Planning to leave early well that didn't happen, we sit over breakfast too long if we are not really going anywhere.

Anyway we got going at ten o'clock, wearing long sleeves to guard against the sun.
It was a looong way until we were over water, a train goes out on the weekends, cost of $10 to ride the train or $5 to walk it. The jetty is no longer in use except as a talking point and to fish off.
Lots of pelicans and black ducks.
We couldn't go right to the end as it is under repair but we sat on a bench seat and it seemed to move, the water was making it sway, needless to say I did not sit there for long. Funny that we didn't feel it moving when we were walking.
While we were sitting at the end, we saw a seagull hunched down to get out of the wind. It was very windy and wasn't hot because of the wind. It was pretty strong and kept whipping my hair into my eyes. The birds couldn't take off into the wind, they tried but it would blow them back the other way but still they kept trying.