School's over for two weeks, (two and a half for me as I only work part time) and today was spent getting ready to go away. Which meant cleaning the house doing all the washing clearing out the fridge and all those other little things that get left by the way side.
Just finished the vacuuming, (don't usually do it at night but I didn't want to do the whole house at one go).
Now I just need to pack! Always a problem, what to take, what to leave behind. I have to keep reminding myself that it is only for a week. I have one small bag that is all I take these days, for ease of travel and also to keep to a limit, size wise as well as weight. After all, no matter where or how you travel, there does become some point when that bag has to be picked up, could be up or down stairs (my absolute favourite, NOT) into a rack above one's head or just onto a travelator. Very good to remember then to KISS (keep it simple, stupid)
When we travel at home, we usually say "Well, if we really need it, we can buy it." My issue today/tonight is what is the weather going to be like, hot warm or do i need warmer clothes. I have never yet, came home and worn every thing that I have packed.
I know that I am procrastinating so I need to go and make a start. No internet for a week, so no emails, no blogging, no games, how will we cope? Have to catch up on the blogging when we return hopefully I will have lots to write about.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Solar Power
A few years ago (about five) we put solar panels on our roof, I think we have seven and the first bill after was only sixty dollars. We thought wow this is good coming from bills for electricity of around $300 for a quarter. the bills gradually increased until we are paying back up around the $300 mark.
Almost two years ago the box in the garage rad something stupid, its supposed to show how much sunlight/solar the meter was taking in at that particular time. We rang the people and they would send some one out, which they did about three weeks later. Meanwhile we are off the grid with no solar power coming in.
March last year was when we got the meter box back on, nearly four months out of action. The company gave us a rebate of what we would have been generating in that time, thank goodness.
Three or four weeks ago, the box gave the same funny reading as before, we turned it off and then on again but nothing we did would get it going again. Warren rang them, some-one would come out. Friday he sent an email, they call within two hours and announced that the service man would be out on Tuesday 9am.
Ten past nine, a white van drove past our house (as our house is on the bend in the road, many people miss it and then find that they are at the next house which is four numbers past ours). Two guys and they replace the box with a completely new one and had to go up on the roof to adjust the panels. I went shopping while they were here and arrived home in time to offer them a coffee or tea but they said they had to get on as they had 35 houses to do in the next two weeks so no time to stop for coffee.
The new meter box is very low key, actually there is two boxes and unlike the original one that had a very bright red read out which could be seen as soon as we drove into the garage, this one one needs to be quite close to it to see what we are generating.
I really dont care as long as our power bill either goes down or stays stable. By the way at least it was under warranty so no cost to us, yay.
Almost two years ago the box in the garage rad something stupid, its supposed to show how much sunlight/solar the meter was taking in at that particular time. We rang the people and they would send some one out, which they did about three weeks later. Meanwhile we are off the grid with no solar power coming in.
March last year was when we got the meter box back on, nearly four months out of action. The company gave us a rebate of what we would have been generating in that time, thank goodness.
Three or four weeks ago, the box gave the same funny reading as before, we turned it off and then on again but nothing we did would get it going again. Warren rang them, some-one would come out. Friday he sent an email, they call within two hours and announced that the service man would be out on Tuesday 9am.
Ten past nine, a white van drove past our house (as our house is on the bend in the road, many people miss it and then find that they are at the next house which is four numbers past ours). Two guys and they replace the box with a completely new one and had to go up on the roof to adjust the panels. I went shopping while they were here and arrived home in time to offer them a coffee or tea but they said they had to get on as they had 35 houses to do in the next two weeks so no time to stop for coffee.
The new meter box is very low key, actually there is two boxes and unlike the original one that had a very bright red read out which could be seen as soon as we drove into the garage, this one one needs to be quite close to it to see what we are generating.
I really dont care as long as our power bill either goes down or stays stable. By the way at least it was under warranty so no cost to us, yay.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Spy (the movie)
Finally we got to see this movie and what a laugh it was (as expected). My girl friend went to see it and told me that it was a silly movie, that made me all the more determined to see it and our tastes in movies are pretty much opposite.
I found myself laughing out loud at times, thank goodness there were not many people in the theatre! It was a very good movie and I would be quite happy to see it again.
I found myself laughing out loud at times, thank goodness there were not many people in the theatre! It was a very good movie and I would be quite happy to see it again.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
A Sad Day
A couple of
weeks ago, I wrote about a surprise that we found in the pot plant out side.
A green tree snake, at the time we didn't know if he was dead or not as he wasn't moving and it had been quite cold the night before.
The following morning he was gone so probably not dead unless something had picked him up over night.
Saturday I was looking for passion fruit, they fall onto the ground and sometimes into the trailer which is parked under there. There is the corner of the trailer was the little green tree snake again. He was curled up although we did see him move a little. Again the next morning he was gone.
Today we saw him slithering under the caravan but his movement was not good, he appeared to have some marks on his back and he was dragging part of his body. Warren rang the Wildlife people and they sent a couple of guys to pick him up. They said that he was the prettiest one they had seen in a long time. They also said that he was very cold and if he had a broken back then he may not survive but they would take him to their vet at Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin's place) and left it up to them.
The colour in the photo doesn't do him any justice and he had a bright yellow belly.
I don't particularly like snakes but this one was harmless and hurt, I hope they can help him.
weeks ago, I wrote about a surprise that we found in the pot plant out side.
A green tree snake, at the time we didn't know if he was dead or not as he wasn't moving and it had been quite cold the night before.
The following morning he was gone so probably not dead unless something had picked him up over night.
Saturday I was looking for passion fruit, they fall onto the ground and sometimes into the trailer which is parked under there. There is the corner of the trailer was the little green tree snake again. He was curled up although we did see him move a little. Again the next morning he was gone.
Today we saw him slithering under the caravan but his movement was not good, he appeared to have some marks on his back and he was dragging part of his body. Warren rang the Wildlife people and they sent a couple of guys to pick him up. They said that he was the prettiest one they had seen in a long time. They also said that he was very cold and if he had a broken back then he may not survive but they would take him to their vet at Australia Zoo (Steve Irwin's place) and left it up to them.
The colour in the photo doesn't do him any justice and he had a bright yellow belly.
I don't particularly like snakes but this one was harmless and hurt, I hope they can help him.
Teddy bears
Finally my teddy bears are dressed and ready to go. I was at the Post Office this morning and they had a special offer of 1kg anywhere in Aust for $10 that doesn't include the box or parcel pack. I have been working on a box for the charity that I have been sending to although I am going to look for somewhere closer to home to save the postage. Postage money could be spent on more materials to make into things to donate.
Anyway here are my teddies already to be packed. I knitted most of them over the summer months as they were not so hot to have knitting and wool on my lap. They are knitted in one piece, folded over at te top of the head, sewn together and then stuffed. The ears are stitched across to give some shape and then the scarf is tied also to give shape. I stitched the scarf on to the body. Some have buttons for eyes but i think I will just stitch eyes on as then there is nothing to come off. he white and pink are neck scarves, designed to go around the neck and button up.Teddies are 22cms from head to toe, I think I have a few more to complete as I had run out of filling. I enjoy knitting but also like to get things done so a beanie which I can make in a night or two, a teddy takes about the same time is good. Currently I am knitting a pop over jumper for about a six year old, I am on the last now but it takes about a week. Like the teddies, it is knitted in one piece and then the sides sewn up.
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Feeding the ducks
Beautiful day today and we had young grandson visiting. He asked if we could go and feed the ducks, that sounded like a good idea to me so I organized some picnic food and grabbed the bag of bread from the freezer. We don't usually eat the very end part of the bread and I keep a bag just for these bits and any other crusts for such occasions of going to feed the ducks.
Within twn kms of our house is a great lake with lots of ducks and other water birds.
Within twn kms of our house is a great lake with lots of ducks and other water birds.
This bird on the rock had no interest what so ever in bread that was thrown to and around him.
Just near the table were we sat to eat was this tree and it was very noisy as there were a couple of nests already there and they really didnt want any more with them.
Young grandson having fun throwing out bread to the ducks. There were quite a lot of families doing the same thing and the ducks were not that hungry.
Hard to think that it is the middle of winter. the sun was shining and it was a very nice day to be out and about.
Fruit quota
Our orange tree is producing and this was our afternoon tea yesterday.
I juiced about ten oranges to make us an orange juice and I added a passion fruit, some ice and a few leaves of mint, all from our garden (well, the ice wasnt!). Five and two sometimes is hard to achieve but we certainly got our two fruits for the day yesterday.
Saturday, 20 June 2015
A Freaky Week
Glad that the week was over. I guess exams and winter and tiredness have all come into play this week as kids seemed to be very unsettled and more anxious than usual.
Only one more exam in one lesson that I attend, all the others are done and dusted thank goodness. Lucky for me, I dont have anything to do with marking.
Many of the kids seem to be getting colds as well, my stash of tissues has been depleted, everyone is looking forward to winter holidays, only one week to go. yay!
Only one more exam in one lesson that I attend, all the others are done and dusted thank goodness. Lucky for me, I dont have anything to do with marking.
Many of the kids seem to be getting colds as well, my stash of tissues has been depleted, everyone is looking forward to winter holidays, only one week to go. yay!
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
My own design.
As I don't usually sew very much for myself now, I sew and knit for a charity. Some of the things that they use a lot of, is tampons. The charity is mainly for women who have left their homes for some reason. I had bought some tampons to send the last time that I sent a box but in the end it didnt fit in. I was left with this box and of course I ended up with pieces of materials from other projects. Too big to throw out but really too small to make clothes or anything.
I had made book covers for the same charity using up some materials. A book cover takes two pieces about 18 inches X 10 inches. I find inches n this case easier to work with and my tape measure has inches on one side and cms on the other.
I had made book covers for the same charity using up some materials. A book cover takes two pieces about 18 inches X 10 inches. I find inches n this case easier to work with and my tape measure has inches on one side and cms on the other.
I didn't even measure these, I just used a piece of paper for a pattern, then cut two pieces of fabric and sewed together then folded up and stitched the "pocket" and then stitched the top over, that was stitched to keep it down and then I sewed a button on to give a bit of weight and interest. The group prefers things that can become a person's own, so I don't make anything that is the same, buttons and trimmed make them different to each other.
Bits left over went in the bin, there was very little left. The pouches hold four tampons and I made ten yesterday. Handy to put in a pocket or handbag and enough for a day trip out
Monday, 15 June 2015
A camping recipe
As we are doing the "Big Lap" next year, I have been following some caravan and camping blogs and FB groups.
A few weeks ago someone posted an idea of using mince in a difference way. There was no actual recipe but a picture and an explanation of cooking it/them in an open fire or camp oven.
I decided to try it at home. I used a packet of mince, I divide our mince into 200 gms lots for the freezer. So I started with about 200 gms of mince and added some tomato and mustard sauce and some rolled oats and mixed together, put into the fridge while I prepared the onion. I only used one, peeled it and then sliced down the middle and carefully put the layers off.
A few weeks ago someone posted an idea of using mince in a difference way. There was no actual recipe but a picture and an explanation of cooking it/them in an open fire or camp oven.
I decided to try it at home. I used a packet of mince, I divide our mince into 200 gms lots for the freezer. So I started with about 200 gms of mince and added some tomato and mustard sauce and some rolled oats and mixed together, put into the fridge while I prepared the onion. I only used one, peeled it and then sliced down the middle and carefully put the layers off.
Fill one half in a mold of mince and then place the other half on, once there is a ball, wrap in foil and bake in the oven. I had sweet potato, carrot and pumpkin to roast as well. When vegetables are cooked, so were the mince balls. Could be served with gravy if liked.
Quite easy to do and a little different, the mince mixture also made two small burgers which we used to make hamburgers the next day.
I will certainly be making these again and especially when we are travelling, Maggie our caravan doesnt have a stove or a microwave but we do have a small toaster oven which would cook these just fine.
Sunday, 14 June 2015
My Room Renovation/make over
I read a magazine a few weeks ago and it showed a sewing room make over. I loved the idea and it stayed in my mind for awhile as I mulled it over. Finally I thought to myself, I really love that and I could do it without too much hassle, cost or too much effort on Warren's part.
I do sew a lot but sometimes I know I put off going into the sewing room because it is so messy.
I do sew a lot but sometimes I know I put off going into the sewing room because it is so messy.
Messy messy messy!
I love a good challenge, I also set myself a budget of $250. There is a stain on the carpet, a towel at one stage was used to mop up rain/water that came in through the sky light then colour leeched out of towel onto the carpet.
New carpet of carpet squares? Humm there goes the budget so no new carpet.
First thing to do was to tidy, cupboard had to go and also the steel cabinet.
This cupboard replaced it, two solid drawers at the bottom now hold any important papers that we need to keep. Cost of cupboard was $119 and the cloth drawers were $5 each solid ones were $15, $209 out of my budget, but what a difference it makes.
Well, at least one side looks alright. A couple of hours of work resulted in this.
No more table to dump stuff on. Nothing wrong with the curtains except they were too full and kept out light so I re fashioned them. Warren put up the clock that I had brought back from China, he also put up the double curtain rods and the peg board which is behind the sewing machine on the wall.
Since the photo was taken I have a shelf on the top of the peg board with some small baskets holding cottons and ribbons and the iron.
Why did I not do this years ago?
Saturday, 13 June 2015
The Rustic Olive
We had a busy weekend at home and hadn't been out so I suggested we go somewhere for lunch on Tuesday. Warren wanted to go the beach so our favourite place to eat at Redcliffe is The Rustic Olive, a cafe on the water front.
I like it as they bring a jug of water with the menus, not a regular practice in Australia but we had become used to that when eating out in China and I really like it. Often we stick with water with the meal.
We ordered a rustic pizza to share and then thought that maybe we should get some bread as well, seeing that we were sharing. OMGoodness the bread was almost a meal in itself, spinach cheese and ham sandwiched between two very crisp wafers of bread? It was very very nice and of course there was the pizza to come. That also was very nice and we ended up taking enough home for the next days lunch. Didn't take a photo, didn't think about it until it was almost all eaten.
Did take some photos of the waterfront when we went for a walk after our meal. Nothing like winter in Queensland.
I like it as they bring a jug of water with the menus, not a regular practice in Australia but we had become used to that when eating out in China and I really like it. Often we stick with water with the meal.
We ordered a rustic pizza to share and then thought that maybe we should get some bread as well, seeing that we were sharing. OMGoodness the bread was almost a meal in itself, spinach cheese and ham sandwiched between two very crisp wafers of bread? It was very very nice and of course there was the pizza to come. That also was very nice and we ended up taking enough home for the next days lunch. Didn't take a photo, didn't think about it until it was almost all eaten.
Did take some photos of the waterfront when we went for a walk after our meal. Nothing like winter in Queensland.
Yesterday morning I jumped into the shower and grabbed the soap and suddenly OH,oh,oh. My thumb on my right hand really hurt. I didn't realize it but I flip the soap over in my hand, well, did I feel it! Stopped doing that, it hurt too much.
Came to turn off the shower and very painful again to try to turn off the tap, had to use my left hand. Dressed and went out to breakfast (Warren organises it while I am showering and getting dressed on the days that I work). I was telling him about the pain in my thumb. He said that he hated to tell me but it sounded like arthritis to him as that is what he has in the same spot. His is from bike riding in the cold and rain when he was working as a postie in the colder states, surely I couldn't have arthritis, def too young (I like to think).
Warren told me that his is much better now that he doesn't ride in winter anymore and has been taking fish oil tablets. I try not to take anything other than I have to but maybe fish oil would help, so took one tab and rubbed some stuff into my hand.
I am not ready to have pain in my hands! It did feel a little better during the day and I even managed to do some knitting last night. If I am going to suffer then I want to keep my hands as active as possible.
This morning I got up as normal and while making coffee, I unscrewed the lid and my thumb did hurt a tiny bit just enough to remind me about yesterday. Hopefully I had just slept on it wrong, I hope so as I don't want to suffer pain like that every day, it did hurt and that was definitely sucky.
Came to turn off the shower and very painful again to try to turn off the tap, had to use my left hand. Dressed and went out to breakfast (Warren organises it while I am showering and getting dressed on the days that I work). I was telling him about the pain in my thumb. He said that he hated to tell me but it sounded like arthritis to him as that is what he has in the same spot. His is from bike riding in the cold and rain when he was working as a postie in the colder states, surely I couldn't have arthritis, def too young (I like to think).
Warren told me that his is much better now that he doesn't ride in winter anymore and has been taking fish oil tablets. I try not to take anything other than I have to but maybe fish oil would help, so took one tab and rubbed some stuff into my hand.
I am not ready to have pain in my hands! It did feel a little better during the day and I even managed to do some knitting last night. If I am going to suffer then I want to keep my hands as active as possible.
This morning I got up as normal and while making coffee, I unscrewed the lid and my thumb did hurt a tiny bit just enough to remind me about yesterday. Hopefully I had just slept on it wrong, I hope so as I don't want to suffer pain like that every day, it did hurt and that was definitely sucky.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Shoe bags
One of my challenges is to reduce my stash of fabric and I do have several tubs of material in my sewing room. Earlier in the year I made book covers and Japanese knot bags, both were a lot of fun to make and I donated them to charity, therefore using up some fabric.
I rarely make anything for myself to wear anymore, one because its takes so long and two because its actually cheaper to buy ready made.
A girl friend of mine was mentioning a few weeks ago that she hates packing her shoes in plastic bags when they travel anywhere and suggested shoe bags would be a good thing.
As they will be travelling back to their home country soon after being away for a fair time and having two seasons of clothes and of course shoes, I wanted to make some shoe bags for her and her hubby.
No real idea of how to make one at first but I used the design of the Knot bag and cut out a circle by running a pen around a plate that I have and thought it would be an ideal size. Next I measured around the circle as I needed that much material to join and then finally I looked at the length of the bag. Some of the first ones were a bit big so I cut them down in size, bag was finished by sewing a piece of cord in at the top making it a drawstring.
I rarely make anything for myself to wear anymore, one because its takes so long and two because its actually cheaper to buy ready made.
A girl friend of mine was mentioning a few weeks ago that she hates packing her shoes in plastic bags when they travel anywhere and suggested shoe bags would be a good thing.
As they will be travelling back to their home country soon after being away for a fair time and having two seasons of clothes and of course shoes, I wanted to make some shoe bags for her and her hubby.
No real idea of how to make one at first but I used the design of the Knot bag and cut out a circle by running a pen around a plate that I have and thought it would be an ideal size. Next I measured around the circle as I needed that much material to join and then finally I looked at the length of the bag. Some of the first ones were a bit big so I cut them down in size, bag was finished by sewing a piece of cord in at the top making it a drawstring.
I used up some fabric and even found two difference colours of cord, goodness knows what I bought them for or when. I have made about a dozen bags and I packed a postage bag with seven or eight and posted off to my friend, should arrive in a few days. I will make a couple more for us to use with we travel.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
The Big Freeze at the G
Yesterday, Monday June eight, Queen;s birthday was a day for fund raising at the Melbourne Football ground nicknamed 'The G"
Eleven well known ex football players, media people involved in sport had been asked to take part in a fund raising bit of fun. Each of them were tasked to raise $10,000 for MND (Motor Neuron disease.
It is an awful debilitating disease and at the moment there is no cure. A former great footballer had MND and he has vowed to spend the rest of his life fighting for money to go into research to either halt or hinder this disease. Warren's brother died from it about eighteen years ago and at the time there was not even a real test for it, they had to test for many other things and when that wasn't the problem the doctors decided that he had MND. From then life expectancy was about four years.

Neil Danaher on the left is the guy who has MND, he will over time lose movement in his limbs and then his vital organs. Luke Darcy on the right was also an ex player now in the media, they are pushing Dermont Breton another ex player and calls some matches. Each eleven people were pushed into an ice pool.
People dug deep into their pockets to give donations, beanies were also sold the same as Neil is wearing. They were hoping for about $50,000 and ended up with 2.16million dollars for the day.
There was a web site that viewers could donate and yes we did make a donation.
The Football grounds supplied the pool and ice etc so there was no cost at all and all 2.16m was going to research.
Eleven well known ex football players, media people involved in sport had been asked to take part in a fund raising bit of fun. Each of them were tasked to raise $10,000 for MND (Motor Neuron disease.
It is an awful debilitating disease and at the moment there is no cure. A former great footballer had MND and he has vowed to spend the rest of his life fighting for money to go into research to either halt or hinder this disease. Warren's brother died from it about eighteen years ago and at the time there was not even a real test for it, they had to test for many other things and when that wasn't the problem the doctors decided that he had MND. From then life expectancy was about four years.
Neil Danaher on the left is the guy who has MND, he will over time lose movement in his limbs and then his vital organs. Luke Darcy on the right was also an ex player now in the media, they are pushing Dermont Breton another ex player and calls some matches. Each eleven people were pushed into an ice pool.
People dug deep into their pockets to give donations, beanies were also sold the same as Neil is wearing. They were hoping for about $50,000 and ended up with 2.16million dollars for the day.
There was a web site that viewers could donate and yes we did make a donation.
The Football grounds supplied the pool and ice etc so there was no cost at all and all 2.16m was going to research.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Mum's little green book.
As long as I can remember, mum had this book, it was only little and had a hard cover that was green. It become quite a bit of a joke in later years as we got older as Mum would reach for her book to answer a question that one of us may have had.
It was a date book or record for birthdays and Mum kept lots of records in "her little book". Family members were there, in-laws coming into the family, family friends. As babies were born they were entered into the book, sometimes even with birth weight, not always with the year they were born which we found could have been handy as we aged.
Visiting Mum as she got older, often the conversation would turn to a family member or friend and we would discuss what difference they were in age to who ever was there or when their birthdy was. Certainly since Warren and I visited home as adults, (as n no little kids underfoot) staying for a couple of days at a time to a week, the little green book would make an appearance.
I would cringe as I turned over pages and saw my childish writing when I decided that Mum needed to have my new friends from high school in her book, one in particular was Roma Sutherland who I went through high school with but then we left school and I have never seen or heard of her again.
Its about three years since Mum died and last night as I was lying awake, I was thinking of one of my cousins, goodness knows why and I was trying to work out how much younger I was to her, again no real reason. My thought was it would be in Mum's little green book! Goodness knows where that little green book is now or even if it is still existence.
I dont keep have anything like this and rely on memory or computer to remind me of immediate family members birth dates.
It was a date book or record for birthdays and Mum kept lots of records in "her little book". Family members were there, in-laws coming into the family, family friends. As babies were born they were entered into the book, sometimes even with birth weight, not always with the year they were born which we found could have been handy as we aged.
Visiting Mum as she got older, often the conversation would turn to a family member or friend and we would discuss what difference they were in age to who ever was there or when their birthdy was. Certainly since Warren and I visited home as adults, (as n no little kids underfoot) staying for a couple of days at a time to a week, the little green book would make an appearance.
I would cringe as I turned over pages and saw my childish writing when I decided that Mum needed to have my new friends from high school in her book, one in particular was Roma Sutherland who I went through high school with but then we left school and I have never seen or heard of her again.
Its about three years since Mum died and last night as I was lying awake, I was thinking of one of my cousins, goodness knows why and I was trying to work out how much younger I was to her, again no real reason. My thought was it would be in Mum's little green book! Goodness knows where that little green book is now or even if it is still existence.
I dont keep have anything like this and rely on memory or computer to remind me of immediate family members birth dates.
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Dirty Dancing (The play)
Sheridan surprised me with tickets to this show for Mothers day but had to wait until it came to town. She had a PD day in the city on Thursday so I drove the boys to school and back again. She ordered pizza to be delivered and while I was wondering if the delivery guy would/could take a card, he told me that it was already paid. Bonus!
Sheridan had rung and ordered online and paid as well. She arrived just after the pizza and we had just enough time to eat and then leave for the theatre, she had arranged for parking as well under the Playhouse.
Our seats were quite a way up but we were right in the middle and the sound was fantastic. It was a very fast moving with lots of singing and action, very enjoyable.
It was fairly late by the time we got home but I stayed the night which meant I didn't have to drive the forty minutes to our house, Aidan lent me his bed for the night. It also meant that I could have a bit of a sleep in the next morning.
Sheridan had rung and ordered online and paid as well. She arrived just after the pizza and we had just enough time to eat and then leave for the theatre, she had arranged for parking as well under the Playhouse.
Our seats were quite a way up but we were right in the middle and the sound was fantastic. It was a very fast moving with lots of singing and action, very enjoyable.
It was fairly late by the time we got home but I stayed the night which meant I didn't have to drive the forty minutes to our house, Aidan lent me his bed for the night. It also meant that I could have a bit of a sleep in the next morning.
Monday, 1 June 2015
Indigenous week in AFL
We had our second trip to view the football and it was Indigenous week. This is a round of football that covers matches from Friday night to Sunday and it is held to honour the current and past players who are indigenous.
As the grounds were they play were originally used by aboriginal tribes, there is a ceremony held before each game with a member of the local tribe who give the blessing of the land.

Each team wears their colours but they have been designed with the aboriginal culture in mind.The above picture is Daniel Rich one of Brisbane Lions players who had a really good first quarter. The Lions (local team for Brisbane) got off to a really good start kicking seven goals to two but they couldn't keep it up and ended up losing by twenty points.

Lance known as Buddy Franklin one of the best players in the league made the move to Sydney Swans last season after reportedly signed a contract for ten million dollars for ten years. He is wearing the Indigenous jumper for the Swans which was designed by team mate, Adam Goodes' Mum.
Besides Buddy and Adam there are seventy seven Indigenous players who are currently playing AFL.
As the grounds were they play were originally used by aboriginal tribes, there is a ceremony held before each game with a member of the local tribe who give the blessing of the land.
Each team wears their colours but they have been designed with the aboriginal culture in mind.The above picture is Daniel Rich one of Brisbane Lions players who had a really good first quarter. The Lions (local team for Brisbane) got off to a really good start kicking seven goals to two but they couldn't keep it up and ended up losing by twenty points.
Lance known as Buddy Franklin one of the best players in the league made the move to Sydney Swans last season after reportedly signed a contract for ten million dollars for ten years. He is wearing the Indigenous jumper for the Swans which was designed by team mate, Adam Goodes' Mum.
Besides Buddy and Adam there are seventy seven Indigenous players who are currently playing AFL.
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