Saturday 13 June 2015


Yesterday morning I jumped into the shower and grabbed the soap and suddenly OH,oh,oh. My thumb on my right hand really hurt. I didn't realize it but I flip the soap over in my hand, well, did I feel it! Stopped doing that, it hurt too much.

Came to turn off the shower and very painful again to try to turn off the tap, had to use my left hand. Dressed and went out to breakfast (Warren organises it while I am showering and getting dressed on the days that I work). I was telling him about the pain in my thumb. He said that he hated to tell me but it sounded like arthritis to him as that is what he has in the same spot. His is from bike riding in the cold and rain when he was working as a postie in the colder states, surely I couldn't have arthritis, def too young (I like to think).

Warren told me that his is much better now that he doesn't ride in winter anymore and has been taking fish oil tablets. I try not to take anything other than I have to but maybe fish oil would help, so took one tab and rubbed some stuff into my hand.

I am not ready to have pain in my hands! It did feel a little better during the day and I even managed to do some knitting last night. If I am going to suffer then I want to keep my hands as active as possible.

This morning I got up as normal and while making coffee, I unscrewed the lid and my thumb did hurt a tiny bit just enough to remind me about yesterday. Hopefully I had just slept on it wrong, I hope so as I don't want to suffer pain like that every day, it did hurt and that was definitely sucky.

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