Tuesday 23 June 2015

Teddy bears

Finally my teddy bears are dressed and ready to go. I was at the Post Office this morning and they had a special offer of 1kg anywhere in Aust for $10 that doesn't include the box or parcel pack. I have been working on a box for the charity that I have been sending to although I am going to look for somewhere closer to home to save the postage. Postage money could be spent on more materials to make into things to donate.
Anyway here are my teddies already to be packed. I knitted most of them over the summer months as they were not so hot to have knitting and wool on my lap. They are knitted in one piece, folded over at te top of the head, sewn together and then stuffed. The ears are stitched across to give some shape and then the scarf is tied also to give shape. I stitched the scarf on to the body. Some have buttons for eyes but i think I will just stitch eyes on as then there is nothing to come off. he white and pink are neck scarves, designed to go around the neck and button up.Teddies are 22cms from head to toe, I think I have a few more to complete as I had run out of filling. I enjoy knitting but also like to get things done so a beanie which I can make in a night or two, a teddy takes about the same time is good. Currently I am knitting a pop over jumper for about a six year old, I am on the last now but it takes about a week. Like the teddies, it is knitted in one piece and then the sides sewn up.

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