Monday 15 June 2015

A camping recipe

As we are doing the "Big Lap" next year, I have been following some caravan and camping blogs and FB groups.

A few weeks ago someone posted an idea of using mince in a difference way. There was no actual recipe but a picture and an explanation of cooking it/them in an open fire or camp oven.

I decided to try it at home. I used a packet of mince, I divide our mince into 200 gms lots for the freezer. So I started with about 200 gms of mince and added some tomato and mustard sauce and some rolled oats and mixed together, put into the fridge while I prepared the onion. I only used one, peeled it and then sliced down the middle and carefully put the layers off.
Fill one half in a mold of mince and then place the other half on, once there is a ball, wrap in foil and bake in the oven. I had sweet potato, carrot and pumpkin to roast as well. When vegetables are cooked, so were the mince balls. Could be served with gravy if liked.
Quite easy to do and a little different, the mince mixture also made two small burgers which we used to make hamburgers the next day.

I will certainly be making these again and especially when we are travelling, Maggie our caravan doesnt have a stove or a microwave but we do have a small toaster oven which would cook these just fine.

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