Wednesday 10 June 2015

Shoe bags

One of my challenges is to reduce my stash of fabric and I do have several tubs of material in my sewing room. Earlier in the year I made book covers and Japanese knot bags, both were a lot of fun to make and I donated them to charity, therefore using up some fabric.

I rarely make anything for myself to wear anymore, one because its takes so long and two because its actually cheaper to buy ready made.

A girl friend of mine was mentioning a few weeks ago that she hates packing her shoes in plastic bags when they travel anywhere and suggested shoe bags would be a good thing.

As they will be travelling back to their home country soon after being away for a fair time and having two seasons of clothes and of course shoes, I wanted to make some shoe bags for her and her hubby.

No real idea of how to make one at first but I used the design of the Knot bag and cut out a circle by running a pen around a plate that I have and thought it would be an ideal size. Next I measured around the circle as I needed that much material to join and then finally I looked at the length of the bag. Some of the first ones were a bit big so I cut them down in size, bag was finished by sewing a piece of cord in at the top making it a drawstring.
I used up some fabric and even found two difference colours of cord, goodness knows what I bought them for or when. I have made about a dozen bags and I packed a postage bag with seven or eight and posted off to my friend, should arrive in a few days. I will make a couple more for us to use with we travel.

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