Monday 8 June 2015

Mum's little green book.

As long as  I can remember, mum had this book, it was only little and had a hard cover that was green. It become quite a bit of a joke in later years as we got older as Mum would reach for her book to answer a question that one of us may have had.

It was a date book or record for birthdays and Mum kept lots of records in "her little book". Family members were there, in-laws coming into the family, family friends. As babies were born they were entered into the book, sometimes even with birth weight, not always with the year they were born which we found could have been handy as we aged.

Visiting Mum as she got older, often the conversation would turn to a family member or friend and we would discuss what difference they were in age to who ever was there or when their birthdy was. Certainly since Warren and I visited home as adults, (as n no little kids underfoot) staying for a couple of days at a time to a week, the little green book would make an appearance.

I would cringe as I turned over pages and saw my childish writing when I decided that Mum needed to have my new friends from high school in her book, one in particular was Roma Sutherland who I went through high school with but then we left school and I have never seen or heard of her again.

Its about three years since Mum died and last night as I was lying awake, I was thinking of one of my cousins, goodness knows why and I was trying to work out how much younger I was to her, again no real reason. My thought was it would be in Mum's little green book! Goodness knows where that little green book is now or even if it is still existence.

I dont keep have anything like this and rely on memory or computer to remind me of immediate family members birth dates.

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