Sunday 21 June 2015

Feeding the ducks

Beautiful day today and we had young grandson visiting. He asked if we could go and feed the ducks, that sounded like a good idea to me so I organized some picnic food and grabbed the bag of bread from the freezer. We don't usually eat the very end part of the bread and I keep a bag just for these bits and any other crusts for such occasions of going to feed the ducks.

Within twn kms of our house is a great lake with lots of ducks and other water birds.
This bird on the rock had no interest what so ever in bread that was thrown to and around him.
Just near the table were we sat to eat was this tree and it was very noisy as there were a couple of nests already there and they really didnt want any more with them.
Young grandson having fun throwing out bread to the ducks. There were quite a lot of families doing the same thing and the ducks were not that hungry.
Hard to think that it is the middle of winter. the sun was shining and it was a very nice day to be out and about.

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