Wednesday 2 August 2017

No Dogs allowed.

On my way home yesterday I stopped off at a lake. It is a massive lake and allows motorised craft on it three days a week and non motorised craft on the other four days therefore keeping everyone happy (or not).

We took our kayaks there with family earlier in the year and Lucy. Checked for signs if dogs were allowed or not, didn't see anything, however later when we went for a walk, we did see a small sign inside the park with a dogs outline and a line through it. We kept Lucy on her lead and haven't been back with her.

Two dogs were swimming in the water when I drove in  and they and their families appeared to be having a good time.

As I was leaving and in the car, they all came to their car which was parked next to mine with one empty space in between. One dog shook itself before jumping into the car. They were there for a couple more minutes before driving out. I was checking my phone so stationary.

Now, my thoughts were, do I alert them to the fact that it is an area where no dogs are allowed? I  didn't have a problem with the dogs being there and they were certainly not being a nuisance.  My concern was that if a ranger came through and who knows how often or even if that happens that I would imagine it would be a fairly hefty fine. In the minutes while I was deciding should I say something or not, they drove away.

The last thing I want is to be abused for alerting someone of a wrong doing but on the other hand the sign was very small. Still pondering over what the best thing to do would have been.

What would you have done, alerted them or kept quiet? It is a issue that seems to occur more and more frequent these days, probably not with dogs but in all aspects of life.

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