Tuesday 29 August 2017

On our way to Banff

It was going to be a long day from 8am to 6pm in Banff. First stop was at Swan Lake at Vernon. Beautiful fruit, smelled great and they were quite big as well, although we didnt buy any as we had bought some fruit yesterday.
 Then on through the mountains.
I have seen pictures of the Rockies for years but until I have seen them "up close and personal" just couldnt imagine just how massive they are. Seeing where rocks etc have come down. I loved the shelters over the roads, thats where the snow is directed to go over the road and down into the valley, who would have thought?

Plenty of photo opportunies but it is difficult to load on the tablet but i will see what I can do. Ha, the day wasnt as long as we thought as we changed time zones.

We are now in Banff for two nights.

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