Sunday 27 August 2017

Morning tour of Vancouver

We had a bus tour of Vancouver this morning  this was the official start to our trip.

Set off at 8.30 am and went downtown, had to make a detour as they are filming a movie here so some roads were blocked off. We were told yesterday that 35000 people from Vancouver are employed in movie making within Vancouver.
First stop was at the totem poles and it was also a coffee stop for Warren and I, we had thought we would get an iced coffee at the gift shop in the lobby. Didnt open till 9.30 am.

We also went through Chinatown and Gastown. Gastown was named after a character Joe some one who was known as Gassy Joe because he was always talking. He bought a barrel of whiskey and told people that if they helped him build a bar they could help him drink the whiskey, the bar was completed in 24 hours.

We travelled further through Stanley Park and went across to Granville Island for a ninety minute stop. Warren and I had discovered two caches on the island so we followed our gps to find them and ended up going to different parts of the island. There was a big market on the island selling all types of things we bought some sandwiches for lunch.

Home by noon, resting this afternoon and we are taking a cruise this evening.
Internet is too slow to add photos so may be able to later.

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