Monday 28 August 2017

Hope Merritt and Kelowna

First day of travel and we were away with five minutes to spare. Our suitcases had to be ready to be picked up by 7 am and all of us to be on the bus at 8.30 am, we rolled out at 8.25.

Morning tea was at Hope, a little town now famous for chainsaw sculptures and there were several dotted around town.

Lunch was at Merritt, stunning scenery all the way along, and we had the choice of Maccas, Tim Hortons or a supermarket. We went to Tim Hortons but there was a massive line up so we went across to the deli in the supermarket and bought cold meat, a massive bread roll that we shared, some cheese and fruit.

Another toilet stop above a lake that I cant spell or say but there was quite a bit if smoke around so no good for photos.

We got into Kelowna about 3 pm and went straight to an organic winery. It was hot and the guide at the winery had us out in the heat while she explained about the wines etc. Everyone was looking for shade, then we walked around and she explaibed the cleaning and process of being organic. A walk to a pryamid which apparently was very dark and had to go uo stairs in the pitch black. I opted out and went to the cafe to buy a drink, nothing for sale but wine! Twenty minutes later the rest came out of the pyramid and went to the tastings, we tasted three wines abd thete was no where to sit so for an hour and a half we stood around.

The bus driver and tour guide went to hotel and organised our rooms and luggage to them, that was excellent.

A couple of restaurants close by and we chose Denny,s next door, we remember going to one of those years ago in Melbourne. We met up with a couple from Innisfail and shared a tqble with them.

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