Monday 21 August 2017

A Lions park

I had an early morning appointment this morning and then walked to the rest of the shops. One of our reading lights are broken and i hate reading without so that was on the list this morning to get.

Between my apt place and the shopping centre is a small park, I have often driven past it. It is on a busy intersection where there are lights and I cant recall seeing anyone using it.

I stopped in as it was too early for the shops to be open, wow what a great little place.
Not a terribly good photo but there is the stone bridge and the paved path that goes all round the park, I walked it and it is probably only 250 metres in total. there were a few people walking through as there is a street behind which workers park in and then walk up and through on their way to work.
The bridge from a different angle. There were plaques around in the garden beds of Lion members who had passed away. A very peaceful place.

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