Sunday 30 July 2017

Mt Mee

On Thursday after we had lunch, we made our way up the mountain to the township of Mt Mee. I had not been that far up before, we had often been to the look out at Mt Mee but the township is a few kilometres further.

It is a pretty little town with stunning scenery. We were looking for something at "Birches and Churches" and wouldn't you know it, there was a restaurant called "the Birches" on one side of the road and on the other was a church and that was where the GPS was directing us. There was even a handy parking spot with bench seats to look over the surrounds.

A very easy find for the geo cache which then enable us to take in the scenery, unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me.
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But thank goodness for the internet as there were some of the scenes that we saw.

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