Sunday 27 August 2017

Arrival in Vancouver Canada

We walked out of race of lines that we had to go throught to see John and Sherrol waiting for us, John had made a placecard with our names on it. Didnt think to take a photo, can blame it on the lack of sleep.
They drove around Vancouver for awhile and then to our hotel.
Yesterday we took the hop on hop off bus that travels around Vancouver for about two and a half hour for a full round trip.

We headed downtown to the steam operated clock, unfortunately for some reason my photos wont load at this point. Next stop was Canada place on the water.
Then we travelled to Stanley park where we walked through the park. Saw raccoons helping themselves to the bins and then a tiny sqirrel.

On one of the trails, we came around a bend on the shade path and there was a big dark shape in front, my first thought? Omg, surely its not a bear! A few steps more and we could see that it was two mounted police. The horses were wearing a horse blanket.

We walked through and past the totem poles as we needed to come back there to catch the bus. Coming back the bus was there so no time to take photos but we thought that our morning trip would go there.

I will try to add photos at a later time

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