Saturday 19 August 2017

Empty freezer

I thought I was good the other night, as we have house sitters coming in, I thought I would clear the top of the fridge freezer stuff so they could use it if they wanted.

As I have been working this last week I was only doing little things towards getting ready for our trip and getting the house organised. I felt that this was something that would only take a few minutes which it did. Felt very pleased with myself and one more job to cross off the list.

I was ready to go to work the next day and while we were sitting over breakfast, Warren says to me "I thought I will go and get another bag of food for Lucy." Yep, great I thought, another thing to cross off the list.

Came home and he showed me the stuff he had bought, besides the dry food he got this. He had bagged it all up into individual bags and put it into my empty fridge freezer. There was also a list on the outside of the freezer to show what was in there, by number so as one is taken out, it can be crossed off.
There is a variety as well, chicken, lamb and beef bones, she certainly wont be starving! I hope the house sitters dont want too much freezer space as the big freezer is pretty full.

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