Tuesday 15 August 2017

Bye Bye Boots.

When i started back at work in 2014, it was winter time and my feet get cold so I bought a pair of boots, just short ankle boots that pulled on. Very comfy and I have worn them each winter since. I knew they were wearing but I was hoping to get this winter out of them as well, after all the cost was so high! $10! I should have bought two pairs.

Last weekend while in Melbourne, I knew it was going to be cold so of course I wore my boots. As I said that were wearing but I didn't realise how much until it rained and water seeped into my feet!

They dried out and i wore them again to work but the damage was done as they had been damp, it ripped the inside stitching. Bummer, so bye bye boots.
I have tried to replace them but nothing comes close so these are my new winter "boots" that I bought when in Canberra earlier this year and until today had not been worn.
There is no tongue as such on them and they were a bit hard to get on until I realised the back strap is there to help pull them on. Thank goodness.

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