Friday 11 August 2017

Lucy, one year on.

On my face book feed, a memory from a year ago was of Lucy a day or two after she cam to live with us.

She looks tiny in the photo and scared.

Roll on twelve months and she has just been for her yearly vaccinations. we took her to the same vet who did her de-sexing and first vaccinations.

She is ten kilos heavier and at 23 kilos is a good weight for her breed, she looks more content and much less scared. Warren had to hold her a little as she wanted to come and checkout the camera.

She is better on the car sickness, hadnt been sick in the car for several months until last weekend but that was quite a long trip, nearly two hours in the car. I drive her around home and she is fine but they are only short trips, maybe we need to get her used to longer trips.

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