My phone went ding this morning and when i picked it up the latest ABC news was announcing the schools were closed. That was expected because of the cyclone but the school closures were from Agnes Waters down to the NSW border so definitely our area.
Wow, I dont think I have known of any closures before, a couple of years ago I couldnt get to work (school) because of flooding of roads that i needed to travel on.
It has been raining on and off all day, poor Lucy wants to go for a walk. She is staying inside but is still keen to go out but that's not happening at the moment.
Warren went out early this morning to get some things ready for our trip and he said that the Chemist was about to close, she had rung her staff and told them not to come in. Best friends was still open and they may close. The shopping centre had water in the car park, that often goes under due to being near the creek/river. I expect that our road out is now flooded but it doesn't long to drain away.
New puzzles came in today as well so I will spent the afternoon between puzzling and sewing. No good watching TV as it is all the aftermath of the cyclone and now how much rain is falling and in what areas.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Cyclone Debbie
Debbie was making her presence felt on Sunday well, at least she was making the news down south. Townsville was pretty quiet and calm by all accounts although they did close the airport on Monday morning as Debbie was supposed to hit around 9.30 am. However she had made her way further south before crossing land around Bowen.
TV channels had been having a field reporting on this and that and again and again! It should have been old news by the time my program came on at 3 pm. That is afternoon tea time in this household and we both like to see how many answers we can get on the English version of The Chase. But no, it was not to be, so much more exciting to see news reporters out in wind and rain advising people to stay inside! Obviously they dont realize how contradictory that is. Someone did say that it was done to show people how bad it is, well i think if they should work it out if they saw trees being bent over and touching the ground. Plus around 65,000 homes are without power so the people who need to be told to stay inside cant accessed TV reports anyway.
Move on to the third day and on the main channels, you guessed it, still on Cyclone reports! Of course one of the funniest things I heard (when I was flicking to get something else to watch) was the report thats its too early to know what the full extent of the damage will be. Oh Really!!!
I dont mean to down play how serious the weather pattern has been and will continue to be for the next few days but I have been in that area when there was a cyclone about to hit and most people living in those areas are very well prepared and they prepare and then just wait it out.
Debbie has been down graded from a Cat 4 to a one and now we will get the rain, expecting 150 to 200 m in our area over the next two days. It has been raining on and off most of the day. Hopefully drought affected areas out West will get some of it.
TV channels had been having a field reporting on this and that and again and again! It should have been old news by the time my program came on at 3 pm. That is afternoon tea time in this household and we both like to see how many answers we can get on the English version of The Chase. But no, it was not to be, so much more exciting to see news reporters out in wind and rain advising people to stay inside! Obviously they dont realize how contradictory that is. Someone did say that it was done to show people how bad it is, well i think if they should work it out if they saw trees being bent over and touching the ground. Plus around 65,000 homes are without power so the people who need to be told to stay inside cant accessed TV reports anyway.
Move on to the third day and on the main channels, you guessed it, still on Cyclone reports! Of course one of the funniest things I heard (when I was flicking to get something else to watch) was the report thats its too early to know what the full extent of the damage will be. Oh Really!!!
I dont mean to down play how serious the weather pattern has been and will continue to be for the next few days but I have been in that area when there was a cyclone about to hit and most people living in those areas are very well prepared and they prepare and then just wait it out.
Debbie has been down graded from a Cat 4 to a one and now we will get the rain, expecting 150 to 200 m in our area over the next two days. It has been raining on and off most of the day. Hopefully drought affected areas out West will get some of it.
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
House sitters
Its great having house sitters to look after the house and Lucy while we are away for the next month. The drawback is that I have felt that I need to do a complete spring clean of the house!
Each cupboard drawer and space in the house has been cleaned tidied and some stuff disposed of, either to the bin or to Op shops around the area. We still have too much stuff/junk etc.
As I make most of Lucy's food and I want that to continue, I have been cooking up a storm to have enough for the time we will be away.
Each cupboard drawer and space in the house has been cleaned tidied and some stuff disposed of, either to the bin or to Op shops around the area. We still have too much stuff/junk etc.
As I make most of Lucy's food and I want that to continue, I have been cooking up a storm to have enough for the time we will be away.
So the bottom two drawers of the freezer are full of Lucy's food.
I have written on the top how many serves/meals are in each. She gets pellets in the mornings for her breakfast and then fresh meat and vege at night.
That's all done now to tidy my sewing room! (and finish packing Maggie Two)
Saturday, 25 March 2017
What a job. After I wrote my novel in November and got to the required 50000 words, I stopped and left it for three months. Bit over it by then and jt was good to have a break plus iI needed to think about my ending. I felt that it was not finished and I wasnt sure if I wanted to do a quick finished or write quite a lot more.
March was the month that I figured would be my editting month, after all I had written a chapter a day for all of November so editting it one chapter per day should be a breeze.
Hah! Sometimes I felt like I needed to expand on something and did so only yo find that the sentence or so, I did already have the info that I felt needed to be there, maybe I should read it in full before making any changes.
The editting did come easier and some days I did nothing others I did four or five chapters. However, editting is now done and it is time to write the ending.
Trouble is I have two or three ideas in how to finish and each are quite different. I guess I need to fire up the laptop and just see where it takes me. I have found at times writing something that I hadnt intended until it appears on the screen. Interesting for sure.
My total increasd from 50049 words to 50485 after the edit, I hope to get it ready for publication by mid May, which means that I need to get cracking as a lot is happening otherwise in those six weeks .
March was the month that I figured would be my editting month, after all I had written a chapter a day for all of November so editting it one chapter per day should be a breeze.
Hah! Sometimes I felt like I needed to expand on something and did so only yo find that the sentence or so, I did already have the info that I felt needed to be there, maybe I should read it in full before making any changes.
The editting did come easier and some days I did nothing others I did four or five chapters. However, editting is now done and it is time to write the ending.
Trouble is I have two or three ideas in how to finish and each are quite different. I guess I need to fire up the laptop and just see where it takes me. I have found at times writing something that I hadnt intended until it appears on the screen. Interesting for sure.
My total increasd from 50049 words to 50485 after the edit, I hope to get it ready for publication by mid May, which means that I need to get cracking as a lot is happening otherwise in those six weeks .
Thursday, 23 March 2017
A Yeti in town
Warren came back from the showers yesterday and over breakfast was telling me that there must be a Yeti in residence.
"Do tell more' I requested.
He said that he went to have a shower and one of the booths had heaps of powder on the floor. Not only on the floor but leading out the door. He said that it must have been quite a big man as there were footprints where he has stood in the powder and then taken it across the floor of the shower and in the basin area.
Warren said that his first thought was a Yeti!
Some caravan parks ask people not to use powder, don't know if it works or not, not sure how it would be policed. When we first went to Singapore several years ago, there was a crack down on people not flushing toilets after use. Every public toilet that I went in, had a sign at the back near the cistern, stating that it needed to be flushed each time regardless of deposit (yes, that was their words!) if not flushed there was a $100 fine. I used to wonder if some-one was outside or even inside to check that it was flushed.
"Do tell more' I requested.
He said that he went to have a shower and one of the booths had heaps of powder on the floor. Not only on the floor but leading out the door. He said that it must have been quite a big man as there were footprints where he has stood in the powder and then taken it across the floor of the shower and in the basin area.
Warren said that his first thought was a Yeti!
Some caravan parks ask people not to use powder, don't know if it works or not, not sure how it would be policed. When we first went to Singapore several years ago, there was a crack down on people not flushing toilets after use. Every public toilet that I went in, had a sign at the back near the cistern, stating that it needed to be flushed each time regardless of deposit (yes, that was their words!) if not flushed there was a $100 fine. I used to wonder if some-one was outside or even inside to check that it was flushed.
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Three in one.
Warren and I visited the Reject shop just down the road. Last time we were here we discovered these.
Three in one coffees! These are the best and we used these all the time while we were in China. Milk sugar and coffee all in one, not too strong, not too sweet just the absolute best.
As soon as we walked in, we remembered buying these last time and it wasnt long before we found them.
Now just to be clear on these, I have never seen these to buy in Australia before.
Cost wise they are 30 for $7, we bought two packs.
In China we could buy boxes of ten, 20 or 36 with a bonus of an extra 4 making 40 all up. Of course the more you bought the cheaper it became, we would buy the 40 pack each time and it was about 36 rmb from memory which translates to just under 1 yuan a cup or about ten cents. There was a promotion once which included a Nescafe red cup, the same as on the packet. I'm sure every foreign teacher who drank coffee had these on hand. In our flats we also had water bubblers that dispensed hot and cold water and when we visited each other it was a very quick thing to grab a sachet, put it a cup and under the hot water tap, just right for drinking.
Dicky's Beach
We are here for a couple of days checking out if we have everything that we need in Maggie Two for a month away. This is the first chance we have had to trail her and as we sold the other Maggie thinking that we were done with caravanning, most things either went with her or out as they were a double up.
There is a good Reject shop here that we found before and yes, we hightailed it down there after the first morning. It has been wet and we dont/didnt have any mats to wipe our feet on before entering the van. A knobbley bath mat for $12 solved that problem. We also have no where to put keys so some hooks were bought, Warren had put one up for a teatowel but he didnt have any more.
Went for a walk in the afternoon and discovered why the place is called Dicky's beach, there was a ship wreck out in the sea and it used to be sighted but i think its pretty much all gone now, We read the sign on a walk to the beach.
There is a good Reject shop here that we found before and yes, we hightailed it down there after the first morning. It has been wet and we dont/didnt have any mats to wipe our feet on before entering the van. A knobbley bath mat for $12 solved that problem. We also have no where to put keys so some hooks were bought, Warren had put one up for a teatowel but he didnt have any more.
Went for a walk in the afternoon and discovered why the place is called Dicky's beach, there was a ship wreck out in the sea and it used to be sighted but i think its pretty much all gone now, We read the sign on a walk to the beach.
We stopped to watch this ibis, Warren had been telling me that they use their beaks to get crabs in the sand. Apparently they dive their beak down, the crab grabs on to it and then the Ibis pulls it up and of course devours it.
We were on a concrete walk and stopped on a little bridge to watch the bird and the sea.
Love these trees.
Monday, 20 March 2017
We have stumbled across this TV show some time ago and we both enjoy it. Why? I have no idea! We were talking about it last night and the reasons why we like it and really cant come up with anything. maybe its because its fun and entertaining and there is no spitefulness.
What the program is, is a type of game show featuring I think a pop group from Japan called Arashi. They are five boys/young men and they undertake games against other teams. They always have a guest to make up a team of six and they are against a team of six. Often the opposing team are actors in a series or similar.
The conversation is in Japanese and so there are sub titles and there is the occasional word spoken in English. The games are set for the six of them or sometimes two or three. There is a rock wall which is only for two, one climber at a time and between them they have two minutes to climb a wall and touch as many buttons on the wall as they can. The other members of the team are there for encouragement and to swing pins to them to put into the wall to assist with the climb.
Kicking Sniper is one that they often finish on, three are lined up to kick an oversized ball at large drums that have been built in different shapes.
Coin Tower is a game where they all take part and on a moving circle, they take turns to add large "coins" in a single row, three at a time, sometimes they need to climb quite high to add the coins, they go until it falls over. The coins are different sizes and are worth points depending on the size, they gain points for their team until it falls.
We used to just find the show every now and then but now we know that it is on Sunday nights on SBS so we have it "booked" each week to watch. It is actually called Vs Arashi.
What the program is, is a type of game show featuring I think a pop group from Japan called Arashi. They are five boys/young men and they undertake games against other teams. They always have a guest to make up a team of six and they are against a team of six. Often the opposing team are actors in a series or similar.
The conversation is in Japanese and so there are sub titles and there is the occasional word spoken in English. The games are set for the six of them or sometimes two or three. There is a rock wall which is only for two, one climber at a time and between them they have two minutes to climb a wall and touch as many buttons on the wall as they can. The other members of the team are there for encouragement and to swing pins to them to put into the wall to assist with the climb.
Kicking Sniper is one that they often finish on, three are lined up to kick an oversized ball at large drums that have been built in different shapes.
Coin Tower is a game where they all take part and on a moving circle, they take turns to add large "coins" in a single row, three at a time, sometimes they need to climb quite high to add the coins, they go until it falls over. The coins are different sizes and are worth points depending on the size, they gain points for their team until it falls.
We used to just find the show every now and then but now we know that it is on Sunday nights on SBS so we have it "booked" each week to watch. It is actually called Vs Arashi.
Friday, 17 March 2017
My new teckie toy
I dont usually buy tech stuff (I leave that up to Warren) but with my Play/sanity money last fortnight I bought a new toy.
We have a GPS, one for each car and they work reasonably well although I find that one needs an exact address for them to point the car in the right direction. It is rare that I use it, if I do and Warren isn't travelling with me, I tend to ask him to put in the address and then I take it from there.
Lucy does not do navigation! She is more interested in putting her nose out the window as much as possible and sniffing all the new smells.
Going to new areas for walks (and Geo caches) I had thought about buying a stand for my phone and using that as a GPS. It helps that I was with a friend/fellow geo cacher who was using that.
Just picked up our sanity and grocery money from the bank and walking past a phone accessories shop, without putting too much thought into it, I walked in and asked about one. Of course sure they had several and yes, they would fit my phone. Handed over $40 and it was mine.
We have a GPS, one for each car and they work reasonably well although I find that one needs an exact address for them to point the car in the right direction. It is rare that I use it, if I do and Warren isn't travelling with me, I tend to ask him to put in the address and then I take it from there.
Lucy does not do navigation! She is more interested in putting her nose out the window as much as possible and sniffing all the new smells.
Going to new areas for walks (and Geo caches) I had thought about buying a stand for my phone and using that as a GPS. It helps that I was with a friend/fellow geo cacher who was using that.
Just picked up our sanity and grocery money from the bank and walking past a phone accessories shop, without putting too much thought into it, I walked in and asked about one. Of course sure they had several and yes, they would fit my phone. Handed over $40 and it was mine.
Warren fitted it and I used it this morning, pleasant voice to tell me where to go, about seven kilometres from home as the crow flies. Unfortunately the road was blocked and I couldn't get to where I wanted to go but it worked and I can see and hear it quite well.
I was happy with it so decided to buy one for a gift and we were at the same shopping centre but up the other end where I saw a similar shop so went in and the same thing was $25! Should have gone there for mine as well!
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Maleny Dairies
They are not far from here and we have visited a couple of times. It is a beautiful part of the country with green (usually) rolling hills and the contrast of the black and white cows on those hills, eating grass chewing their cuds and generally just making milk.
It is a working farm and they offer walk about tours as well as selling their produce, milk yogurts cream and custards.
When we have been there, I have stocked up as the quality is brilliant. The tours includes a taste test! very good marketing.
I am not a lover of custard maybe having it too much as a kid as we milked our own cows but I do like Maleny custards. Imagine my delight when I saw some for sale at our local shops the other day and I just had to buy some.
Over fresh fruit it is just the best dessert ever. It states that it is gluten free as well, bonus! I didn't realise that gluten was used in custards but i guess because it is a thickener then yes, it does make sense. Just goes to show that labels need to be read to see what is in products we buy.
It is a working farm and they offer walk about tours as well as selling their produce, milk yogurts cream and custards.
When we have been there, I have stocked up as the quality is brilliant. The tours includes a taste test! very good marketing.
I am not a lover of custard maybe having it too much as a kid as we milked our own cows but I do like Maleny custards. Imagine my delight when I saw some for sale at our local shops the other day and I just had to buy some.
Over fresh fruit it is just the best dessert ever. It states that it is gluten free as well, bonus! I didn't realise that gluten was used in custards but i guess because it is a thickener then yes, it does make sense. Just goes to show that labels need to be read to see what is in products we buy.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Hidden Figures
We went to see this movie today. Oh my goodness what a powerful movie it is as well as showing a piece of history.
They called the women who worked for NASA and did the figure work, computers! Although at first because they were all Negro Americans they had separate toilets, buses (they could use the same bus but had to go down the back) and coffee pots.
Jim Parsons Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory was in it and it was good to see him playing a straight part although I wanted to pull his pants down! That does sound rather weird but he was wearing his trousers way above his waist and that did look slightly Sheldonish.
Did enjoy it a lot.
They called the women who worked for NASA and did the figure work, computers! Although at first because they were all Negro Americans they had separate toilets, buses (they could use the same bus but had to go down the back) and coffee pots.
Jim Parsons Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory was in it and it was good to see him playing a straight part although I wanted to pull his pants down! That does sound rather weird but he was wearing his trousers way above his waist and that did look slightly Sheldonish.
Did enjoy it a lot.
Monday, 13 March 2017
A Decadent Chocolate Slice
We were watching a program on the weekend called Bad Chef Good Chef. It seemed that the guy was the bad chef and he made things that were maybe not the most healthiest dishes and then the woman made something similar but more healthy.
The first thing he made was a lamb pie, it looked good and I'm sure that it would have smelt good too. I did think that he went a bit over board with the pastry as there was pantry on the bottom and sides and then on the top as well but he had doubled it to fold in on itself. When he served it, he added some tomato sauce on his side of the plate and the woman kept banging on about how many teaspoons of sugar there would be in it. I know that tom sauce does have sugar but if you only have a teaspoonful then it is not possible for there to be thirteen teaspoons of sugar in it!
Her version was a turkey pie, lots of vegetables and turkey mince and she topped in with chick peas and potato. They were done in individual dishes.
The guy then made a chocolate slice for a sweet treat to have with coffee. Yum, Warren and I watched him do it and then said, we could do that.
I had most of the things except the tim tams so Warren took a trip to the corner shop, he decided that the small amount of choc chips that were in the pantry wouldn't be enough so he bought a couple of bars of plain chocolate and I suggested that we add some marshmallows.
The recipe two packets of Tim Tams crushed, add some crushed nuts some condensed milk and about half of the chocolate melted. No measurements were given except the biscuits, we also added some nutty peanut butter. Push into a tray that had cling wrap on it, this made it easier to get it out.
Once we did that, we cut the marshmallows in half and spread them over the top then added the rest of the melted chocolate. Into the fridge for 30 minutes or so then turn out. Oh my goodness! We had a piece and then I packed the rest up for the freezer. I dont want to even think about the calories.
It is certainly very tasty to have with coffee, I have cut it quite small, hopefully it will last awhile by being in the freezer.
The first thing he made was a lamb pie, it looked good and I'm sure that it would have smelt good too. I did think that he went a bit over board with the pastry as there was pantry on the bottom and sides and then on the top as well but he had doubled it to fold in on itself. When he served it, he added some tomato sauce on his side of the plate and the woman kept banging on about how many teaspoons of sugar there would be in it. I know that tom sauce does have sugar but if you only have a teaspoonful then it is not possible for there to be thirteen teaspoons of sugar in it!
Her version was a turkey pie, lots of vegetables and turkey mince and she topped in with chick peas and potato. They were done in individual dishes.
The guy then made a chocolate slice for a sweet treat to have with coffee. Yum, Warren and I watched him do it and then said, we could do that.
I had most of the things except the tim tams so Warren took a trip to the corner shop, he decided that the small amount of choc chips that were in the pantry wouldn't be enough so he bought a couple of bars of plain chocolate and I suggested that we add some marshmallows.
The recipe two packets of Tim Tams crushed, add some crushed nuts some condensed milk and about half of the chocolate melted. No measurements were given except the biscuits, we also added some nutty peanut butter. Push into a tray that had cling wrap on it, this made it easier to get it out.
Once we did that, we cut the marshmallows in half and spread them over the top then added the rest of the melted chocolate. Into the fridge for 30 minutes or so then turn out. Oh my goodness! We had a piece and then I packed the rest up for the freezer. I dont want to even think about the calories.
It is certainly very tasty to have with coffee, I have cut it quite small, hopefully it will last awhile by being in the freezer.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Banks Grrr!
They can be so annoying. We have an account with the bank that we have banked with for years, it is an off shoot account and we add money to it each payday. It is an emergency account I suppose for those unexpected things that do crop up from time to time. it plods along and mostly gets forgotten about.
We had paid a deposit for our trip later this year and we were waiting to hear about the flights that the travel agent was trying to get the best deal for us but we had had to wait as it had been too far away to book at that time..
Well suddenly the flights were in and she had a couple on hold for us and it is only a two day turn around, either book and pay in 48 hours or lose the booking. Travel agent had contacted us and we had agreed to those particular flights and knew that we had to send the money. Two days before payday and our day to day account didnt have that sort of money in it and if we had paid by CC, there was a 2% surcharge. I moved money from our "Money for unexpected things" account. All good, flights booked , no problems.
At the end of the month, our interest was way down on that account, from a few dollars to 23 cents. What The? I rang the bank as I knew that we could make one withdrawal per month for no cost. The bank kindly pointed out to me that the account needed to GROW by X amount each month to get the extra interest!!!! and as we had taken out more than had gone in that month, the extra interest would not be paid. Yes, it was in the fine print.
I had started a saving account with another bank last year to save for our holidays this year and there are no such "Rules" so goodbye old bank and hello new bank. Only thing now is the new bank account was just in my name and l want it in joint names as per everything else we have. Warren applied to be added to my account and thats fine, he did it online BUT now will have to wait up to six weeks to get new cards etc. I am hoping that is just a fudge factor and it will be much sooner
New bank has a similar interest rate but provided money goes in each month, then the extra interest is paid and can withdraw as many and as much as needed/want.
We will leave our day to day account and CC with old bank for convenience.
We had paid a deposit for our trip later this year and we were waiting to hear about the flights that the travel agent was trying to get the best deal for us but we had had to wait as it had been too far away to book at that time..
Well suddenly the flights were in and she had a couple on hold for us and it is only a two day turn around, either book and pay in 48 hours or lose the booking. Travel agent had contacted us and we had agreed to those particular flights and knew that we had to send the money. Two days before payday and our day to day account didnt have that sort of money in it and if we had paid by CC, there was a 2% surcharge. I moved money from our "Money for unexpected things" account. All good, flights booked , no problems.
At the end of the month, our interest was way down on that account, from a few dollars to 23 cents. What The? I rang the bank as I knew that we could make one withdrawal per month for no cost. The bank kindly pointed out to me that the account needed to GROW by X amount each month to get the extra interest!!!! and as we had taken out more than had gone in that month, the extra interest would not be paid. Yes, it was in the fine print.
I had started a saving account with another bank last year to save for our holidays this year and there are no such "Rules" so goodbye old bank and hello new bank. Only thing now is the new bank account was just in my name and l want it in joint names as per everything else we have. Warren applied to be added to my account and thats fine, he did it online BUT now will have to wait up to six weeks to get new cards etc. I am hoping that is just a fudge factor and it will be much sooner
New bank has a similar interest rate but provided money goes in each month, then the extra interest is paid and can withdraw as many and as much as needed/want.
We will leave our day to day account and CC with old bank for convenience.
Saturday, 11 March 2017
Caboolture arbortureum
I'm not sure if that is the correct spelling but Lucy and I visited there the other day. What a great spot, it was shaping up to be a warm to hot day but because of the massive trees along the pathway it was a very pleasant walk.
Ii was that impressed that I took Warren back there and we took some bread for the ducks as well.
In throwing out the bread for the ducks there were some other visitors.
Ii was that impressed that I took Warren back there and we took some bread for the ducks as well.
In throwing out the bread for the ducks there were some other visitors.
Warren took the photos and was able to capture some turtles in the water, a couple were about the size of dinner plates and there was also an eel.
There were some water lilies out as well but wouldnt you know it, the battery in the camera decided it had had enough, of course i cant remeber the last time I charged it so no pics of water lilies.
Friday, 10 March 2017
Doc Martin
We chanced upon this series awhile ago and watched a few episodes. Its funny in a bizarre way. The trouble was it was hit and miss with what was shown on TV. One day it was as if he had just arrived and the next episode he had a baby. We realised that it was being shown on two different channels so we decided to have a look online and buy the series provided it wasnt too expensive.
Warren was successful in locating the whole lot, I think seven seasons for less than $20, wow! As each season had between five and seven episodes, it makes it very reasonable.
we have had them for awhile and would watch one when we deemed therte was nothing worth watching on TV. However we have got sucked into the story and the last week we have watched one while we were sitting down to lunch. Today there was a wedding and of course anything that could do wrong did. People were coming to the see the Dr to wish him all the best for the afternoon. The Vicar arrived as he did not have the hymn list, of course the Doc couldnt have cared less about hymns and noticed the vicar was trembling, hence an examination which ended up in the vicar being carted off the hospital. The place were the reception was going to be held have plumbing issues and ended up moving the food into a marque by the church. As the father and son moved from the marque to the church, I was expecting dogs to run in and eat it, the tent/marque fell in, which Warren had predicted.
The doc managed to get another vicar who had sworn off doing weddings, first though he had to pay. The payment was to administer to the new vicar pig, he told him that he wasnt a vet but the vicar insisted. Then his drycleaned suit was mixed up, oh boy it was a comedy of errors.
At the end of it, it was although the last on that disc and Warren changed them over and started the next one. Saying to me "We cant leave it like that, we need to see what happens, dont you want to?" Of course i did and I settled down to start another scarf.
Warren was successful in locating the whole lot, I think seven seasons for less than $20, wow! As each season had between five and seven episodes, it makes it very reasonable.
we have had them for awhile and would watch one when we deemed therte was nothing worth watching on TV. However we have got sucked into the story and the last week we have watched one while we were sitting down to lunch. Today there was a wedding and of course anything that could do wrong did. People were coming to the see the Dr to wish him all the best for the afternoon. The Vicar arrived as he did not have the hymn list, of course the Doc couldnt have cared less about hymns and noticed the vicar was trembling, hence an examination which ended up in the vicar being carted off the hospital. The place were the reception was going to be held have plumbing issues and ended up moving the food into a marque by the church. As the father and son moved from the marque to the church, I was expecting dogs to run in and eat it, the tent/marque fell in, which Warren had predicted.
The doc managed to get another vicar who had sworn off doing weddings, first though he had to pay. The payment was to administer to the new vicar pig, he told him that he wasnt a vet but the vicar insisted. Then his drycleaned suit was mixed up, oh boy it was a comedy of errors.
At the end of it, it was although the last on that disc and Warren changed them over and started the next one. Saying to me "We cant leave it like that, we need to see what happens, dont you want to?" Of course i did and I settled down to start another scarf.
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Fish and Chips on Bribie
Our Red Hat group ventured across to Bribie Island yesterday for our monthly get together. The fish and chips just near the beach are some of the best I have tasted. They will cook grilled, crumbled or battered fish and we all had a separate plate with a serve of fish, a half serve of chips and a salad.
A couple wanted grilled or battered rather than the usual crumbed and the cafe had them all packaged with individual names on them. Brilliant!
A couple wanted grilled or battered rather than the usual crumbed and the cafe had them all packaged with individual names on them. Brilliant!
This is us in our finery enjoying a chat and the scenery. It was a warm day but as usual being at the beach a breeze was blowing and that made it very comfortable.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Stands for Australian Football League Womens, sounds weird but they wanted to stay with AFL and needed to add the W for women is there. There was a big push last year to add women's footy to the big league and this year 2017, they will be playing a game before the mens.
We have seen a few games as they have been televised and they are good. The rules are the same but it is 16 aside rather 18 and they play for fifteen minutes each quarter as opposed to twenty five for the men and the ball is slightly smaller to cater for smaller hands.
Before the season starts there has been for many years a pre-season competition but it doesn't get televised, I guess because there is cricket and tennis commitments but the girls comp played late afternoon has been televised.
We were out on Saturday night when the two top undefeated teams played each other so we recorded it and watched it yesterday. What a match, it was on for young and old. finally Brisbane Lions won against Adelaide Crows and it was played in Adelaide too so a big coup for the girls.
Really looking forward to seeing more of the girls play. Already there are some big names coming to light, Department of Defence and Chemist Warehouse are supporting/sponsoring the teams as is the AFL itself. I think it is a good move for the game.
We have seen a few games as they have been televised and they are good. The rules are the same but it is 16 aside rather 18 and they play for fifteen minutes each quarter as opposed to twenty five for the men and the ball is slightly smaller to cater for smaller hands.
Before the season starts there has been for many years a pre-season competition but it doesn't get televised, I guess because there is cricket and tennis commitments but the girls comp played late afternoon has been televised.
We were out on Saturday night when the two top undefeated teams played each other so we recorded it and watched it yesterday. What a match, it was on for young and old. finally Brisbane Lions won against Adelaide Crows and it was played in Adelaide too so a big coup for the girls.
Really looking forward to seeing more of the girls play. Already there are some big names coming to light, Department of Defence and Chemist Warehouse are supporting/sponsoring the teams as is the AFL itself. I think it is a good move for the game.
Sunday, 5 March 2017
I saw an idea the other day and thought was a great idea that is. This morning I acted upon it and made place mats for Maggie Two.
Again I had everything to make them as I had bought the teal silk fabric to make something else but hadn't gotten around to it. The stiffest and the colour suited this project well. The beige linen was an off cut of something I had made long ago and kept because it was a decent size. Now it has been made into pockets and serviettes.
I didnt add any lining to the inside as I wanted to be able to roll them and also want them dry reasonably quickly after washing.
A quick little project that took less than an hour to do with no pattern, I used an existing place mat for the size, I didnt even hem the serviettes!
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Knobs vs levers
We were watching QI at lunch and there was an interesting topic broached. The question was "What was deemed illegal in Canada in 2014" I think it was 2014 I know that it seemed very recent.
The answer was door knobs, strange as it may seem. Now, I got to thinking about this and I do not recall being in any house that does not have door knobs. Anyway they continued talking about it and it is because door levers are easy for people to open. Apparently some people were up in arms about it because they said that they did not have any people who were infirm who would live in the house but the law was passed.
Surprisingly in Colorado house can not have levers, the reason being? drum roll, because of bears and other animals can open door levers.
How is that for a bit of trivia? Now I will be taking note at peoples homes to see if they have knobs or levers.
The answer was door knobs, strange as it may seem. Now, I got to thinking about this and I do not recall being in any house that does not have door knobs. Anyway they continued talking about it and it is because door levers are easy for people to open. Apparently some people were up in arms about it because they said that they did not have any people who were infirm who would live in the house but the law was passed.
Surprisingly in Colorado house can not have levers, the reason being? drum roll, because of bears and other animals can open door levers.
How is that for a bit of trivia? Now I will be taking note at peoples homes to see if they have knobs or levers.
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Heart Coasters
I receive emails on sewing projects and sometimes I see one that I think I would like to make. It was called heart drink coasters and the inserts were slightly different colours which I particularly liked.
It took me two days and it shouldn't have taken that long to make four 'simple" coasters. They were fiddlier than I thought. (I dont usually do fiddly!)
There was no actual pattern except the heart which i downloaded and printed off and the measurements were in inches, thats not a drama as thankfully I have a tape measure that has inches on one side and cms on the other. I made one and decided it was too small and the heart was also too small so back to the drawing board. I ended up cutting squares five and a half inches alround as apposed to the four and a half inches. I thought that any glasses would catch on the insert of the heart. I had a heart shaped small note pad so I traced around that to use.

Sew around the two pieces to hold into place.
Next the fabric for the insert and then another piece on top and sew together, then turn through.
It took me two days and it shouldn't have taken that long to make four 'simple" coasters. They were fiddlier than I thought. (I dont usually do fiddly!)
There was no actual pattern except the heart which i downloaded and printed off and the measurements were in inches, thats not a drama as thankfully I have a tape measure that has inches on one side and cms on the other. I made one and decided it was too small and the heart was also too small so back to the drawing board. I ended up cutting squares five and a half inches alround as apposed to the four and a half inches. I thought that any glasses would catch on the insert of the heart. I had a heart shaped small note pad so I traced around that to use.
Two pieces and sew around the heart then cut out the heart and turn in the right side. I ironed a light stiffening on the fabric.
Sew around the two pieces to hold into place.
Next the fabric for the insert and then another piece on top and sew together, then turn through.
Finished product, after sewing around the outside and the heart again.
I was thinking of making them for a small gift but no, I wouldn't make these again. Too fiddly and i dont think they are that practical, these four will be going into the caravan.
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