Sunday, 8 January 2017

Perth Art work

Its amazing what one sees when one has no wheels to get around. Sheridan and I went walking on the Monday evening when we arrived in Perth and we found lots of incredible art work dotted around the CBD. I woud assume that the layout or size of Perth is much the same as Brisbane but less hilly so for me it was easier to walk around, I dont particularly like walking up hills.

There was a Perth Plaques to find, one was on settlers and the other trail was about war heros. The plaques were set in the footpaths and it was interesting to find and read them. There was also a trail of sculptures to locate and marvel at. one in particular was a big cactus at the start of the mall, not sure exactly if that was what it was meant to be as we didnt get very close to it, just drove past in a taxi.

We found Cuddle pot and Snuggle pie in a garden near the foreshore, they were very cute.

Gumnut Babies by Claire Bailey and Indra Geidans in 2001

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