Tuesday 26 May 2015

Woman in Gold

We haven't been to the movies for awhile and there is a couple of good ones on at the moment. I particularly wanted to see Spy as it has two of my fav actors Jason Stratton and Melissa McCarthy I think her name is, she was in Bridesmaids. Hadn't checked the times that they were on until we were having our morning coffee.

Oops, movie started at 10.45 am and it was already 10.32 am, not going to make that, next time was 1.20pm. Yep, that's a better time as we had things to do, washing in the machine to hang out etc. Then Warren informs me that Woman in Gold is showing at 11 am. We tossed a coin, heads for 11 am or tails for Spy at 1.20 pm, you can guess what flipped up.

Helen Mirren is also one of the actresses that I admire so it was no great drama to see that one and we can go and see Spy next week. Tuesday is the cheap day and my day off so works out well.

What a top movie and I didn't realise until after that it was based on a true story. There were flash backs to the second world war in amongst the movie and some of the buildings in Austria were just magnificent, made me want to go and visit just to see the imposing apartment blocks although as told in the story they are office space now.

Of course in between the drama there was the age old joke between Australia and Austria and it went like this: the lawyer was lodging a complaint in America against the Austria Government and the middle aged clerk remarked Oh Austria, my daughter would like to go there, she has always wanted to see kangaroos! bomp bong!

I did wonder if that statement was only in the Aussie version as it could easily be taken out.

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