Monday 18 May 2015

A birthday gift

Warren and I are avid followers for footy (AFL) but sadly our kids and grandkids are not, where did we go wrong? However our grandson Ryan who lives in Melbourne THE Football Capital changed schools a couple of year ago and through school friends got to know footy and plays at school and is quite knowledgeable about the game and players etc.

Last time we were there, he was following Essendon, whose colours and red and black, it is also his school footy colours but now it seems that he has given them the flick and is following the Great Black and Whites Collingwood, the magpies (My Team.)

Ryan has a birthday next month and I always struggle with what to buy him as we don't see him very often. Then I had a light bulb moment and wondered about getting something about footy.
The on-line store had a sale on, I ordered this jacket and cap it was sent postage free and I received it in four days of putting in the order. Very happy with that. Ryan's birthday isnt for another month but I will get it away to him this week I am sure with the weather in Melbourne he will get the use out of it. The cap has the current captain and his number on it.

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