Monday 11 May 2015

Cooking beetroot.

Never again am I doing that! Yes, it does taste better than tinned but the hassle!

I have only cooked it a couple of times before and was putting it off until I had to cook it or bin it in a few more days and that would be wasteful.

I have got a bit lazy and have just left my box of fruit and vege to come with what ever they select. The last few times that I wanted to change something, I have had to get a new password and fluff around so I have just gone with the flow so to speak and accepted the box as it is, that is how I had beetroot to cook.

I know it takes for ever and so to speed things a little, I used a jug of boiling water, that a Jamie Oliver trick/suggestion. All good, two good sized beetroot boiling away on the stovetop, I left the lid of the saucepan up a bit so that it wouldn't boil over and had it on the lowest setting.

Thirty minutes went by and I checked the pot, yep no problems except there was some splatter on the tiles, red juice on white tiles is not a good look so I wiped them clean.

Warren came through the kitchen on his way outside and suggested that something was cooking/burning, I told him what I was cooking. Then realised I could smell burning. Oh no, the pot had boiled dry. I guess because the lid was up. Grabbed the pot off and run water into it, masses of steam and pot was slightly black on the bottom. Beetroot seems alright but not soft yet.

Cleaned pot, wiped stove top and tiles again, refreshed water and started again on a low setting with lid on. Wiping tiles clean in one day is not my idea of fun.

Football on TV started so checked the beetroot and sat and knitted, a few ads in, checked beetroot again, yep yep no probs there, plenty of water, just bubbling away, low profile. It seems five minutes later I could smell burning! Yep boiled dry again, this time the pot was blacker than before but at least the beets were soft.

Cut the burnt edge away and put them into the fridge, scrubbed the pot clean and bummer, more splatters on the stove top and tiles, third time to clean it.

Dinner was egg and bacon pie with a cooked beetroot warmed in microwave. Tasted good but never again! I will buy the tinned variety


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