Sunday 3 May 2015

Lesson at Chinese High School

We had been asked if we would do something at the High School as they only get one lesson a week with a foreigner. We said yes. As they are first year they would be fairly low in understanding our speech and accent. It was also in their "down time" so we wanted to have it as interactive as possible without it being a "lecture"

We did a quick Q & A, some students asked things about us then a word search followed by sports in a grid. We always turn this into a game using two students at a time to come to the board to find the word that we call out, They were getting quite vocal by this stage and then we changed the tempo by showing some photos of our house and surrounds plus some scenic stuff with some Chinese students who had visited recently. The last pic went up as the bell for end of class rang out.

There were about seventy students, the top ten in English from each class. Today the deputy head visited our flat and brought a gift, a box of bamboo towels. We received two other gifts from others today, just hope our bags can take it. With some careful packing every thing got home, thank goodness I hadn't bought up big any where.

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